Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>haha, my eyes aren't open yet, I guess. fireflyscout, I read your post too quickly and thought that the complaint was that the admissions rep was quite PREGNANT!!!</p>

<p>Guess I'd better start that caffeine IV going now!!! :D</p>

<p>perfectly ligitimate reason... steelers fans are jerks</p>

<p>um, pakjan6......huh?</p>

<p>This thread is great!!! I totally agree about the tour guide thing. At WashU, tour guide was a freshman and really spent more time saying UM and "I dont know" than giving any real good info. At the time it was DD's first choice. Now she is not sure she will even apply! I also ordered videos from company showing tour and admission session from various schools DD was interested in but too far to visit yet. If the tour guide was poor, DD hesitated. Schools should really read this thread and maybe screen their tour guides more. Seems like alot of kids nix a school based on the guide.</p>

<p>Dd immediately ruled out one school as soon as we stepped out of the car to visit the campus. Her reason? The campus reminded her of her sixth grade trip to an outdoor ed camp (which she detested).</p>

<p>"S would not consider any school in a "red" state." -jsjs2</p>

<p>Your son is wise. I'm a parent and in my lifetime I've lived in 11 states, for school or career. All were bluer than blue states. I've actually refused lucrative jobs because they were in red states. I just can't live in one. It's an imcompatibility issue. And my D is off to college this Fall, to a blue state, naturally. Like father like daughter. :)</p>

<p>^^I agree with jsjs2. It's not only stupid, but extremely bigoted. Imagine if he had said he wouldn't consider Columbia because it's in a black neighborhood. And he just ruled out Vanderbilt, Tulane, UT Austin, Wustl, etc.</p>

<p>And Plainsman, help me understand your logic. You've never lived in a red state yet you know that you couldn't. How do you know that?</p>

<p>Well maybe diversity (of thought) isn't for everyone.</p>

<p>Actually, I really was intending to just bump this thread. It's too funny to drift to the fourth page so soon. But I have to confront bigotry whenever I see it.</p>

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<p>"D2 wants a California school, but does not like "Taco Bell" architecture like Stanford's. I've tried to explain this is called "mission" style, and has a historical basis but am not getting very far."</p>

<p>Holy smokes...I thought the shoe things were funny, but Taco Bell-Stanford takes the friggin' cake. That is PRICELESS !!</p>

<p>There are lots of CA schools, so at least no "Taco Bell" helps eliminate some. Glad my kids didn't consider this aspect, but funny!</p>

<p>Daughter wouldn't consider Hobart & William Smith because she didn't want to go to a "girl's school" (William Smith). I pointed out that they shared all dorms, classes, facilities etc., so there really wasn't a separate girl's school. She then pointed out that the athletic programs were completely separate. I noted that this was the case at all colleges, but too late.</p>

<p>She also wouldn't go to any California school because, "California Sucks". When asked to elaborate, she told me that she had met some Valley-type Girls once, and they annoyed her, so the entire State went off the list.</p>

<p>Lastly, Skidmore was off the list, because of their mascot. She did not want to be referred to as a, "Thoroughbred".</p>

<p>I don't like mission-style architecture in a college either. The taco bell reason doesn't seem that absurd to me.</p>

<p>My daughter didn't want to apply anywhere that started with the letter "V."</p>

<p>And you are so right about the tour guides. Our tour guide at Vassar (hence the aforementioned problem with the letter "V") was one pretentious little guy. My daughter saw through him immediately and just could not get past him. And then our tour guide at Villanova (compounding her issue with "V") talked of nothing but sororities and fraternities. It was like an hour-long, walking sorority rush.</p>

<p>College had same name as ex-boyfriend</p>

<p>Ridiculous comment about not going to school in a red state. Did like the retort about not wanting diversity of thought.</p>

<p>Well, there are fewer red states nowadays, so it's become less limiting as far as geography goes... :-)</p>

<p>When I was in high school, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, we had driven by both Bucknell and Wake Forest. I thought they looked alike, and they were similar size schools. I lived in NJ and thought, "Why would I go to Wake Forest, when Bucknell is so much closer?" And I also thought, "Why would I go to Bucknell, when Wake Forest is so much cheaper?"</p>

<p>And thus I crossed two perfectly good schools off my list.</p>

<p>Not college, but my son rejected one gifted program for middle school because on the tour, a kid said, "We have Latin here. It's a dead language, you know."</p>

<p>My son was totally turned off by one campus because of a road running through it and some chain link fences. Then he chose to attend a school with railroad tracks running through campus.</p>

<p>My MOM didn't want me to apply to a certain school because she didn't think I'd fit in with the hippies... (she was totally a hippie back in the day). :(</p>

<p>I don't really wanna go to Chapman U because the tour guide (he was still awesome though..) was wearing a cardigan.</p>