Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

We passed by a metal junkyard on the way to the campus.


<p>As long as there isn't a MENTAL junkyard ON the campus, all is good. :)</p>

<p>When DS asked the (female) student who had lunch with him what students do for fun, her answer was "shop at the Wal-Mart." When asked about the dorms, she said that she didn't know anything about the boys' dorms because they "all smelled." I guess that she was assigned to him because she was pre-med, but it was a horrible match.</p>

<p>whoooo hooooo! Shopping at Wal-Mart = college fun? I don't think that qualifies as a stupid reason to reject a school!!! Hey, at least she was honest about the boys' dorms!!! I love this thread.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for this thread! I am finally getting to laugh at the fact that their choices don't always seem logical. That's hard for a number cruncher. Must be the shoes? Or probably the polo shirts with popped collars? Maybe because the other schools colors are similar to the Patriots? Oh well, he is happy with the choice. I think the Hawaiian Pizza left a little to be desired too. Maybe the squirrels would like it :)</p>

<p>From sons and other people's kids</p>

<p>Harvard, Cal Tech, MIT - a bunch of smart people just sitting around talking about how smart they are</p>

<p>Ole Miss - didn't want to dress up for football games</p>

<p>Oregon State - it rained</p>

<p>University of Washington - ditto</p>

<p>Notre Dame - too cold</p>

<p>Univ. of Wash. St. Louis - a bunch of nice nerds</p>

<p>Reason that a college turned me off: tour guide gushed entusiastically about how Chipotle had just come to the area and it was so nice to have someplace nice to go out for dinner! 1) Chipotle was 13 miles up the road; 2) If that's fine dining, it could be a LONG four years.</p>

<p>My daughter refused to get out of the car at Notre Dame because she said that the giant Jesus "creeped her out" I had to laugh the next morning when the waitress sat us down at a table where there was a picture of the "giant Jesus" lloking over her shoulder.</p>

<p>"The giant hand with the stake through it in front of the library will haunt my dreams."</p>

<p>Main reason college turned me off: On a Scholars Visit Day Chalk Drawing on sidewalk of various illegal substances and items. Don't they own a garden hose????</p>

<p>Bad, bad architecture in the building for the architecture school. They actually turned a parking garage into classrooms and they are proud of it? Very resourceful but not very appealing or accoustically balanced.</p>

<p>Most interesting "save" on tour. Guide on very hot day in Chicago was drinking lots of water. Unfortunately, needed to take a break during tour and left us standing on sidewalk. Another student entertained the group while riding unicycle and doing various stunts type things until she came back. Son liked school for being a bit quirky.</p>

<p>I thnk that not wanting to live in a red state is a perfectly logical reason to reject a school. And I DO know from experience.</p>

<p>D left one college visit early because it seemed most of the student would graduate as alcoholics.</p>

<p>I wanted to go to college in a blue state -- in 1974. Sure simplified the choice.
But I've lived the rest of my life in a red state (well, used to be) and married a Texan, so I don't think that's close minded.</p>

I didn't look at Cornell because I saw a thread on the Cornell forum titled "lesbians and gays at cornell". I know there are gay people everywhere, but I didnt want a school with absolute transparency.


<p>This made me laugh the hardest and I have laughed a lot in this thread. My son is gay and we are glad to finally know the code word. "does this school have, ahem, absolute transparency?" </p>

<p>Keep 'em coming, everyone! It really helps to know that my kid is not the only one!</p>

<p>Two oldest S's won't consider the U of Washington because their color is purple.</p>

<p>My sister's kids had a photo of them taken which incorporated their purple (Udub- UW is forever Wis to me) and orange (Syracuse) school colors- not colors that work well together.</p>

<p>At CSU Long Beach we asked an office lady where the bathrooms are and she said "What was that again, dollface?". Left immediately and couldn't be any happier we did.</p>

<p>Tour guide at U San Diego wouldn't stop picking her nose. Instantly crossed off.</p>

<p>Wouldn't even set foot on Chico State when we saw a girl wearing skinny jeans.</p>

<p>Oh, I just remembered another one. A neighbor's son was visiting Vanderbilt and when they asked how comfortable someone Jewish would be there, the tour guide said: "No one would need to know."</p>

<p>4gs - please tell me that is a joke and didn't really happen!</p>

<p>I would have interpreted that response to the Jewish question as, "Religion is not a big factor here and no one would need to know whether you're Jewish or not; it's not a big deal," not as, "Just don't tell anyone and you'll be fine."</p>

<p>I think the posts on this page alone -- the "no one would need to know", etc. prove that truth really is stranger than fiction.</p>