Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>I did my post doc training in the land of lakes, where I was regarded as a “god-less easterner”, especially because I would take the name of the Lord in vain when under extreme stress. I would tell them I was just praying out loud.</p>

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<p>Wanted to add to this thread and couldn’t find it… Then did a Google search on “tour guide’s shoes” and it popped right up. My son likes LSU. He and DH picked up a friend’s son on the campus there once, and then they went to the gulf and fished. He thinks Louisiana is great. We were talking about this in the car recently, and I said, “Oh, you should look at Tulane.” </p>

<p>“I could never go there” he says.
“Because of the name.”</p>

<p>The name? The name?!?!?</p>

<p>It turns out he thinks Tulane sounds too much like Too Lame.</p>

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<p>Kids won’t consider the school their parents are professors at. Even though it would be FREE and offers a fantastic education. </p>

<p>Nope. As they convey “any school that would hire YOU GUYS, can’t be very good!”</p>

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<p>My daughter will not even consider Rutgers (one of the FEW direct entry Pharmacy Schools in the country) because…
She hates New Jersey because we stayed in a hotel there for one night before a flight out to the Caribbean (when she was 10) and the hotel was “nasty”.</p>

<p>When asked to reconsider she said “No way, I hate New Jersey and I will never like it because of that hotel!”</p>

<p>Also, she said she would never go to UPitt because it reminds her of armpit when she hears it!</p>

<p>These poor kids (I am not being sarcastic!)–they are so overwhelmed that they are grasping at air.</p>


<p>My dad ate a bad-tasting pizza on a vacation in Florida when I was in the first grade, and for nearly 15 years wouldn’t eat pizza - not even a BITE. </p>

<p>But…He’s been eating pizza for the last 30 years though. He had to, my mom returned to work part-time and she refused to cook on her “work day.” He now loves pizza. We now tease him about “hating pizza.”</p>

<p>*These poor kids (I am not being sarcastic!)–they are so overwhelmed that they are grasping at air. *</p>

<p>there’s a lot of truth to that.</p>

<p>When people feel insecure or scared, they will throw out BS reasons for not liking something.</p>

<p>^^I did that. I know Pitt would be a perfectly good match for me, but it’s too close to home, so I always claim I dislike the dorms…meanwhile the towers are EXACTLY what I’m looking for</p>

<p>Here’s another one…
My friend’s daughter won’t consider Ohio State because a 9th grade biology teacher that she doesn’t like went there!</p>

<p>Ohiomom that is SO funny! When I was in college I used to give all my friends from NJ SUCH a hard time about it. Now they all moved on to other states and guess who found a job in NJ… me! Funny if one day your daughter meets and falls in love with someone from the state.</p>

<p>NJ actually has many beautiful places. People only hear about the not-so-nice places.</p>

<p>My son didn’t like the name of College of Wooster.</p>

<p>(I think it sounds funny, too.)</p>

<p>My son also said that he wouldn’t ever go to VTech because they’re called the Hokies. LOL</p>

<p>We laughed during a recent bowl game, because TCU’s team is the Horned Toads. </p>

<p>(no offense intended to anyone at these schools. :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>My personal favorite is still the young neighbor who would not consider Notre Dame because, “I don’t like plaid.”"</p>


Yeah… geek_son got a lot of junk mail from TCU. “Be a Horned Toad” just wasn’t a clarion call to him. :smiley: … Of course, now his school mascot is a wart. :o</p>

<p>^^^ </p>

a wart ???</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd??</p>

<p>FWIW, it’s the Horned Frogs, not Horned Toads. But then it’s sort of moot, since what they’re referring to is actually a lizard, not a frog or a toad.</p>

<p>LOL…oops…I think I knew that.</p>

<p>Here’s an anecdote in reference to the students who wanted to be far enough away from home that their parents wouldn’t just drop in on them:</p>

<p>My father started college in the 1930s but had to drop out of U of Maryland (football scholarship) when his hometown of Johnstown PA got wiped out by a flood and his family needed his help. He never finished his degree. </p>

<p>Fast forward 40 years to the mid-70s, and I’m starting at Boston College, which was about 20 minutes from where my father worked. He was astonished that I got accepted to a college he’d heard of; this gave him confidence, and without me knowing, he also applied to BC to take a night school business course. So there I am starting my Boston College adventure, and my father is also on campus one night per week. Just what every kid wants!</p>

<p>As it turned out, it was actually very helpful. I’d meet with him an hour before his weekly class, and we’d chat about things. His weekly pep talks came in very handy, and helped settle me down.</p>

<p>Fast forward to the early 90s, and my father, now in his 70’s and retired, decides to go to the U of Michigan to finish his bachelor’s degree. It was a brutal process for him, but I was able to repay him with numerous pep talks every time he decided he was out of gas and couldn’t finish. He eventually graduated at age 78. When we buried the urn with his ashes in it 8 years later, the only personal item I put in the urn was the tassle from his graduation hat.</p>

all I can say is wow, what a great story.</p>