Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Well, on the subject of squirrels: <a href=“”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>There are folks who will insist on feeding wildlife, including rodents, thereby increasing their fearlessness of humans and the chance that they WILL come in closer contact that is good of us or them. Personally, I feel wildlife needs to forage on its own and retain a healthy distance away from humans for everyone’s sake.</p>

<p>Not going to read the entire thread to see if this has already been mentioned.</p>

<p>Colgate: sounds like a toothpaste.</p>



<p>Actually it’s kind of insane how many kids say that. I don’t understand the big deal, though. I mean, Colgate has a classy ring to it, unlike, say, Mentadent College, Arm & Hammer University, and the Aquafresh Institute of Technology.</p>

<p>There are numerous household products whose names I think would be just fine for educational institutions. A few that come to mind:</p>

<p>Palmolive College
Land o’ Lakes College
The AIM Institute
The Jergens Institute
Our Lady of the Irish Spring
Gillette University</p>

<p>And what about Pace University in New York City? I wonder if anyone ever said, “I would never go to a school named after salsa!” Then how about Universidad de Casa Mamita?</p>

<p>LOL–I just remembered a cartoon some years back when our city hosted the Armand Hammer exhibit (the guy’s private collection was traveling, IIRC.) The cartoon showed a couple looking at various Arm & Hammer box designs hung on the wall of the gallery, and one of them saying, “What did you expect from the Armand Hammer exhibit?”</p>

<p>Well, it was hilarious at the time.</p>

<p>Colgate U was named after the toothpaste tycoon. Probably only a matter of time until other colleges get corporate sponsors, like St. Joseph’s College could easily become St. Joseph’s Aspirin for Children College. Also College of the Holy Cross Pen. Or Washington and Lee Press-on Nails College. & Rice-a-Roni U in Houston. Or Texas A&M&Ms. KYale Univ.? USC’s mascot also has an obvious corporate tie-in.</p>

<p>Actually, USC’s mascot is a white horse that rides around the stadium after every touchdown rather than what you may be thinking of. :slight_smile: <a href=“[/url])”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Get your mind out of the gutter, HIMom…I was thinking of USC Traveler’s Insurance.</p>

<p>I forgot MoTrinity College in Hartford and Ohio State Farm. In the Ivy League there would be KFColumbia. In Cincy, FedEXavier University.</p>

<p>Traveler’s insurance already goes by their red umbrella. I was surprised when I learned about the horse mascot for USC–had never known it & thought it was the fighting Trojan warriors. Had never seen the horse before I went for Parent’s Weekend, in S’s sophomre year.</p>

<p>Wasn’t Robert E. Lee’s horse also called Traveler?</p>

<p>There are so many stadiums & bowl games with totally random non-city corporate names, I’m actually surprised no one has offered a multi-million dollar deal to add their name to that of a university. </p>

<p>It’s more of a gamble (less regular or national publicity), but a big payoff if the team makes the playoffs. “It’s the FedEx Musketeers versus the MetLife Buckeyes.”</p>

<p>schmaltz–that was “Traveller” with two ells.</p>

<p>junior daughter:(last night at dinner while watching Purdue v Indiana bball) </p>

<p>“Why would anyone want to go to a school named after chicken?”</p>

<p>not worth explaining the diff spelling to her, lol</p>

<p>"schmaltz–that was “Traveller” with two ells. "</p>

<p>I know, but I was just trying to be green by conserving ells.</p>

<p>No reputable school would change its name just to acknowledge corporate sponsorship. They should take a principled stance against commercialism the way the Rose Bowl has. It would be tacky, for example, to call it the MetLife Ohio State University, but The Ohio State University Presented By MetLife sounds perfectly respectable. Or, if that’s too wordy, they could go with MetLife Presents The Ohio State University. There’s more than one way to skin a money cat.</p>

<p>I honestly can’t stand the name Lafayette or Elmira so I didn’t even look at these when they sent things in the mail for me.</p>

<p>I ruled out 2 of my colleges because</p>

<li>One was catholic</li>
<li>One was in a rural area</li>

<p>I love this thread.
Son would not apply to Case Western because:
“Half the students are from Ohio and if it was any good, they would attract more out of state students.”</p>

<p>He also would not apply to Cornell because:
“I hate upstate NY. Upstate NY is for summer camp, not college.”</p>

<p>Ha! I love this!</p>

<p>“Upstate NY is for summer camp, not college”</p>

<p>S was very particular.</p>

<p>Wanted large, urban, not too far from home, and was interested in a major that is not offered at every school. Also, S did not have top stats and getting merit or having a not too high COA was important.</p>

<p>Ruled out:</p>

<p>URI - too much of a party school
UNH - his friend went on a tour and someone looked at him funny.</p>

<p>So, he ended up going to a large, rural school with a party reputation. Sigh.</p>

<p>As soon as the tour guide proudly pointed out the (very small and old) cemetery in the middle of the Indiana campus, I knew it would be a problem. Sure enough she brought it up later as one of her reasons to attend elsewhere. (not the main reason, I think)</p>