Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>^^yes. and I think there was a purse story, too.</p>

<p>Our son has graduated from college. We recently had a discussion about this. He was laughing at himself for having refused to look at any school that was in an area that had earthquakes. But then he said that the number of choices had been so overwhelming, that any way of narrowing the search was a good thing,</p>

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<p>My daughter was turned off at Georgetown because of the warm weather outfit the tour guide was wearing.:)</p>

<p>I don’t remember if it was somewhere in this thread or in another - but I always liked the girl who didn’t like how hilly a campus was - too many steps, etc. </p>

she would be attending on an athletic (Track and Field, I think) scholarship!</p>

<p>“I shouldn’t acknowledge this, but they also eliminated all schools in states where people are known for having Southern accents.”</p>

<p>My son also refused to look at any southern school for the same reason.</p>

<p>My middle son refused any school with a lousy football team. This ruled out the entire Ivy league in his opinion. :confused:</p>

<p>My son has pretty much ruled out schools where you can’t wear shorts year round. Too bad for him, that rules out our entire state school system which is not going to happen!</p>

<p>My son also does not want to go to a school that has a football team. One of his middle school teachers used to give extra credit on the tests about the past weekend’s games. I say used to because after I found out about that, I complained and he had to change the extra credit to reflect the subject. Actually, before I complained I spent a couple of weeks watching college football and making notes about it but my family has defective sports genes and none of us knew what the notes meant so I wasted my time AND he didn’t get the extra credit! The upshot is he won’t even play pickup football with his friends and he quit the school band because he refused to play at the football games in the marching band! He might consider a school with a football team IF nobody paid any attention to it or went to any of the games. The only “sports” he enjoys are ultimate frisbee, whiffleball and chess.</p>

<p>@ Joan52 - to clarify, by lousy football teams I meant literally a team that was lousy
or in this case teams that are lousy in his opinion. I’d mention a school for consideration and his response might be ‘nope, sucky team.’, or ‘division three’. It drove me nuts!</p>

<p>My D definitely considers colleges more seriously when they remind her of Hogwarts.</p>


<p>all 3 of my sons went to the same school in 3 different cities.</p>

<p>Eldest went to Emory
about 5000 undergrads, real campus, in a city
no football</p>

<p>Middle went to University of Denver
about 5000 undergrads, real campus, in a city
no football</p>

<p>Youngest went to American University
about 5000 undergrads, real campus, in a city
no football.</p>

<p>Dad has a collection of t-shirts, each of which says "______University Football
Still Undefeated!</p>

<p>All 3 boys, and dad, are actually sports nuts and love football
it just wasn’t one of their criteria in any direction.</p>

<p>But these might be 3 schools for your son to consider.</p>

<p>there are a bunch of no football schools 
 BU, Northeastern, UVM, and Skidmore are a few more.</p>

<p>What a great thread! Is anyone building a university from the ground up? First, do not put it in a state shaped like a rectangle or square. Or in New Jersey. Don’t let Glido sign up for classes there. And don’t make it look like a Taco Bell.</p>

<p>^^ Don’t put your college out in the sticks. Or in an urban area. Don’t make all the buildings look alike. Don’t make all the buildings look different - there should be a theme. But it shouldn’t be Georgian or modern or gothic. Don’t have too much parking in the middle of campus. Don’t make it so there’s no where to park. Be sure your tour guides aren’t too preppy or goth or sloppy or fashionable or dumb or snotty or boring or overly-enthusiastic. Make sure they share their own experiences and feelings but don’t let them talk about themselves. Be sure your football team is great - but be sure NOT to have a football team. Don’t put your campus on a hill. Make sure there are no Southern accents, but the weather is warm and sunny year round, except for the lovely fall and change of seasons and a little bit of pretty snow - but it can’t be cold when it snows. Make sure your info session and tour guides talk about classes and majors, as long as its the major the tour-ee is interested in. Don’t be TOO welcoming or too organized - you’ll look like you’re trying too hard. Don’t be disorganized. If you have Greek life, make sure no one sees it - unless they’re looking for it, in which case make sure there are plenty of kids with Greek letters walking around. And for heavens’ sake, make sure you have a normal mascot but not a boring one, and make sure your school colors look good on everyone and match everyone’s outfits!</p>

<p>^ Well done!! :)</p>

<p>Very clever, LAF!</p>

<p>Sometimes I am so glad we are done looking at colleges
although the grad school hunt was no fun because it is so deadly serious.</p>

<p>LAF, really well done!</p>

<p>well done, LAF
so glad we are done!!</p>

<p>^ As do I. Hogwarts is important.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>LAF-you said it all beautifully. The thread can end right here, right now.</p>