Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>I want a do-over,too! My only question at WUSL was if they accepted adult transfer students.</p>

<p>“Yep D refused to consider Pomona because SoCal is “too sunny””</p>

<p>My D also thinks Pomona is too sunny, despite that it was her top choice and is currently a student. If you ask her about her school she will tell you she absolutely loves it! If she is being brutally honest she will add it is too sunny for her. I don’t know where she gets her love of rain and clouds because both her parents love the sun

<p>I guess I don’t have to worry she will hang around after graduation :)</p>

<p>My D doesn’t like the CLOUDS in SoCal. She says there are no “fluffy” ones like back home in HI. I thought she was crazy but after visiting LA for a while & them returning to HI, we DO have nicer clouds. :slight_smile: My nephew loves Pomona but hasn’t mentioned it being too sunny–probably used to sun because HI has a ton of it as well. Both my kids would prefer to return to HI, but have to stay away & build their resumes & qualifications so they can get some job & earn a living if they return to HI. :(</p>

<p>This thread is hilarious!!! We’ve just started this process and my son has already refused to consider Hampshire because they sent him TWO brochures and he thinks that’s a sign that the school is desperate.</p>

<p>^your son is going to be rejecting a LOT of schools then :)</p>

<p>HImom, send your daughter in October. That’s a great cloud month usually.</p>

<p>Monte: yes that’s a pretty dumb reason but if u want him to go there that really isn’t a good reason. The kid should want to go their without anyone telling him. If he decided to go to a different place u should support his decision because after all it is his future. I’m a current college student Nd I’m stating this through experience.</p>

<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>

<p>My S wouldn’t look at any schools with ‘Saint’ in the title at the beginning of his senior year in HS 
 once he visited St. Lawrence and learned it was named after a river, he applied ED and was accepted and plans to go there this fall.</p>

<p>A couple of years ago I suggested to a friend’s daughter that she may want to consider my alma mater, McGill. She said that she would never want to go to college outside the US. She is currently attending Tufts and majoring in
international relations.</p>

<p>After visiting, D refused to apply to a great marine bio program in Florida becuase FL is “too flat”. </p>

<p>She refused to even look at ANY of our great state schools in VA becuase they are in VA.</p>

<p>Also refused to apply to Fordham because it is in the Bronx and also is “too Catholic”, but then applied to St. Johns in Queens.</p>

<p>P.S. Just finished reading the whole thread and am crying because I laughed so hard. :)</p>

<p>Kpgriswold–FL is very flat! But hills start to arrive by Gainesville–the farther north, the more hilly (at least by floridian standards). But marine programs are usually best done at sea level–it’s part of the job in most cases!</p>

<p>“But marine programs are usually best done at sea level–it’s part of the job in most cases!”</p>

<p>Love it, gouf78!! :P</p>

<p>Just learned that S won’t look at Tufts bc That Kid is there. Clueless middle-aged mom had to go to urban dictionary to find out what that meant (“what kid, sweetie?”). (warning: urban dictionary definition is rude
found cleaner definition here on cc!)</p>

<p>all schools in the New England area were eliminated b/c of the cold weather. all schools in Boston were excluded b/c of the cold people.</p>

<p>I am determined to read every single post in this thread, no matter how long it takes me. Absolutely hysterical stuff!</p>

<p>Maxine, I agree 
 it’s a great way to get a good laugh.</p>

<p>Do you think maybe that these kids have too many choices? It is amazing that the history of the football team of the state the school is in or the outfit of the tour guide is considered a deciding factor by some of the kids. Has anyone considered that the choice is too much for these kids? That maybe parents should decide what school that their child should go to?</p>

<p>Picking out a school because of location makes sense. Picking one over another because of the number of statues or types of purses, does not. It sounds like some of these kids just needed to whittle down the choices and they picked whatever they could to do so.</p>

<p>Parents can look at the schools more objectively, well sometimes anyway. Look at the majors offered and the rank of the school. Check out the surrounding area to decide if there are companies close by that offer internships that can turn into jobs.</p>

<p>By the way, there are some great products that will help with frizzy hair in those schools with humid climates. That really should not worry your child when considering a school.</p>

<p>D wouldn’t look at a college if she thought the brochure had a bad smell!</p>

<p>^ I LOVE this!!!</p>

<p>I love it, Musical mom! D had issues with many of the students’ attire on some of the campuses. “Mom, they don’t dress like me at all,” to which I replied, “Uh, do you think the reason they’re not wearing preppy sundresses might possibly be because we’re in the north, and it’s 40 degrees outside?! Toto, we’re not in Texas where it’s 90 plus degrees anymore!”</p>