Stupidest reason child won't look at a college


It could be worse…</p>

<p>Gamecocks could have been the mascot of Ball State University.</p>

<p>(My immaturity level has just reached a new height)</p>

<p>I just hope my friend doesn’t come back from USC with any shirts that say “Carolina” on them. Wearing that in the home state of the real Carolina may cause her some problems.</p>

<p>SansSerif–not always. OOS at many surrounding states here is less expensive than our in-state state school cost either because of reciprocal agreements or they are just flat out less expensive. Private schools rarely have an extra OOS cost.</p>

<p>Well, not as a parent, but as a prospective student here, I won’t consider any school whose name does not begin with ‘University’.</p>

<p>I guess WhaleEnglish won’t be looking at Northwestern, Stanford, or most of the Ivy League!</p>

<p>As another prospective student, I lost interest in WUSTL when they sent me an advertisement letter in which they failed to capitalize the word “German.”</p>

<p>I moved Stanford substantially down on my list because it was too clean. It felt sterile.</p>

<p>My S doesn’t like brochures or mailers with happy multiracial kids studying on the lawn (or under a tree). Honesty in adverstising: show kids chugging beer at a frat party (state schools) or studying by themselves in the library (wonk schools).</p>

<p>“This school is too normal . . . We can go now!”</p>

<p>megpmom – What about schools in Minnesota and New England that show lots of pictures of students in shorts and t-shirts?</p>

<p>For the record, though, you actually do see groups of multiracial students reading under trees at my daughter’s school. :)</p>

<p>Marsian-why wouldn’t they show kids in shorts/t-shirts in MN and NE?</p>

<p>^ Yep. I think it was a Carleton mailer that had no pictures with snow on the ground. H is from Minnesota, we know better.</p>

<p>megpmom–??? There isn’t snow on the ground all the time in MN or in NE???</p>

<p>My youngest doesn’t like the vibe she gets when looking a brochures or mailers that show NO multiracial groups of kids. If the school can’t even find one minority kid to put in ANY photo, it’s probably not a good fit for a biracial kid. Not that brochure is the be-all/end-all and wouldn’t be a deciding factor, but it would make us think twice.</p>



<p>What about them? There’s fall and there’s spring, during which students wear shorts and t-shirts.</p>

<p>Isn’t this supposed to be stupid reasons why a kid won’t look at a college? My kid just doesn’t like the pictures on the mailers. It’s not rational. Sorry if I offended people in northern climes!</p>

<p>megpmpm, I understand. My DS would look for hippie chicks and count them out on mailers and websites. It is stupid, but you have to start somewhere.</p>

<p>My D has rejected schools because of their name. In particular, Ripon and Mount Mary, both in WI. I didn’t bring up Ball State for obvious reasons!</p>

<p>Oh, another reason has been school colors. She has reddish hair so she doesn’t want a school that has red as its primary color. She would prefer purple or black - she looks awesome in those colors. LOL</p>

<p>This thread is more than 3 years old. I just have to say that I hope it goes on FOREVER. It is a great place to go for a laugh and a smile :)</p>

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<p>Agree! This is one of my favorite threads. It feels good to share it with a smile and a laugh.</p>