Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>My son, with appropriate stats and interests, wouldn’t look at Williams a few years ago because “they’re mean”. Their website said you only get four years; if you don’t finish in that timeframe, you have to take classes elsewhere and transfer them in to graduate.</p>

<p>Haha, that is kinda mean.</p>

<p>I read one article which sited a study that suggested that at least 80% of college students change their major at least once. That’s bound to cause some folks to go past the four year mark.</p>


<p>My son won’t consider any university that has a football team that runs the Triple Option. Goodbye Georgia Tech, Navy and other great schools. LOL.</p>

<p>I had (can’t say “have,” because we don’t speak anymore) a friend who wanted to become an Egyptologist. Apparently, despite the fact that she knew she’d need advanced degrees (probably a Ph. D) to really go somewhere in the field, she had to begin specializing immediately. So her plan for college was to double-major in Forensic Anthropology and Archeology and minor in Middle Eastern Studies (or something similar to this plan…I don’t remember the exact majors). She wouldn’t consider schools that didn’t have all those programs exactly to her liking. In other words, despite really not being of the caliber of her top-choice school (like, we’re talking one of HYPS), her entire family was sure she’d get in and get enough merit money so she could go. </p>

<p>She now studies Anthropology at a so-so state school. </p>

<p>I was always telling her that a general Anthropology BA would be enough to get her through to her next degree, but she refused to listen to me. I still think she could have attended a much better school if she’d been willing to look outside the box and specialize later on in her education!</p>

<p>Williams may sat that on their website, but they are a bit flexible. I do know someone they have given a lot of latitude to.</p>

<p>Thank goodness it was not DS. They do make it easy to graduate in their time frame with their winter study system.</p>

<p>S would not look at Haverfird because he didn’t like the emphasis on the honor code. D wouldn’t look at Bryn Mawr because she didn’t want a school south of home, although on LI it’s only a hair south. It’s true that it’s two bridges instead of one.</p>

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<p>One of my sons joked he only was interested in attending a school with a one-syllable name. He liked Brown, Yale, Duke, Rice… you get the idea. Pretty cool schools for sure. But also easy names to spit out to the dozens of people asking him during senior year what schools he liked. heh. He ended up at a school whose full name has 12 syllables.</p>

<p>My son refused to apply to Harvard, in part because they sent him a 3-fold brochure with almost no content, as opposed to full Viewbooks from all the other top schools. He decided they weren’t making an effort, just coasting on their reputation.</p>



<p>And I’m now sitting here counting . . . and counting . . . and counting.</p>

<p>Mamadubs, I’m guessing both Oklahoma State and Oregon State are out…red hair with orange and black…it would have made me think twice!</p>

<p>Counting here too, dodgersmom : ) So madbean, is it a school that is normally known by 3 single syllable initials?</p>

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<p>dragonmom - you for that right! No orange schools either ;)</p>

<p>The University of + 5 more syllables. Not my state school. Or The State University at…, only 4 more syllables. SUNY at…</p>

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<p>Oooh, SUNY would work! :)</p>

<p>“Three single syllable initials” → UAH. (UAB would be 13.) </p>

<p>Tried Stanford, but it’s only 11. :rolleyes:</p>

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<p>How about The U of Mary Washington? Doesn’t seem to fit with Brown, Yale, Duke, etc though.</p>

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<p>Mit = 12 :)</p>



<p>Oh, duhhhhh . . . I totally missed that one –> “a school that is normally known by 3 single syllable initials”!</p>

<p>I am actually pretty uneasy about applying to colleges where sports are big (like Duke). </p>

<p>I just really don’t care and don’t want to feel pressured to care.</p>

<p>Multisyllable school- my alma mater qualifies: University of Southern California.</p>

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<p>I was thinking WUSTL.</p>

<p>That’s funny Lorem. They do have a shiny viewbook. I can’t figure out how they send mailings. Our son (a legacy) didn’t get his “invite” from Harvard until long after nearly every other school in the country had inundated him with stuff.</p>