Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Rain. (As in: Will not consider the school visited during rain storm.) I did it too at the same age.

I won’t apply to any school in the Raleigh area because of their traffic

Just stumbled upon this thread. Very humorous! Going back to OP’s post, I was discussing UMinn with my D and she kinda frowned and sighed: “aww, I dunno. I don’t wanna have to wear pants!” Ok then. I’ll add that to your criteria, which now consists of:

  1. Does not want to wear pants

Way back on this thread it was mentioned:

Son wouldn’t apply to Harvard because the buildings smelled funny.

Son wouldn’t apply to Columbia because the buildings were right on top of each other.

Parent wouldn’t let student apply to Yale because there was a check cashing storefront a block from campus.

D won’t consider any local colleges because of the rain Seattle gets. Her in-state safeties are in Eastern WA where instead of a rainy season they get snow. All of her top choices are in a part of the country where there isn’t winter rain. She won’t budge on this at all. Luckily, she’s already been accepted to some schools in her dream region.

@sseamom I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but DC does have winter rain, but she’s right, snow is much more prevalent .

Oh, I know-I’m from the east coast. But the rain isn’t as constant, and the sun does comes out more often! She’s excited to possibly have snow-we’ll see how she feels after weeks of it should she end up more to the north!

She will only consider places where it snows.

Would not consider any college that requires SAT subject tests. Daughter said colleges have enough information with SAT scores, GPA and AP test scores and would not waste another moment of her life taking another standardized test. Somewhat ironically, she did enjoy writing additional and optional essays.

^^^ Not a stupid reason at all. That’s not like some of the superficial reasons in this large thread.

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Interesting discussion about the rain. We toured one school during a summer month where a violent thunderstorm blew in without much warning - typical here in the Ohio River valley.

This could have been a turnoff, but the school bent over backward to salvage what tour time they could, re-arrange the agenda to cut short the admissions presentation so they could get two groups of attendees to the library and residence hall before it got really bad, arrange shuttle transportation for everyone, and they ended up genuinely impressing us with their professionalism.

We went back for a second visit on a day that was sunny but hot. We still remember marveling at how seamlessly the school handled that storm situation, rather than leave a disastrous first impression.


One poster way back said she would not apply to NYU because she saw ads in the subway for their part time MBA program. She would never go to a school that had to advertise in the subway. She should also exclude Harvard as they have ads for Harvard Extension all over the Boston subway.

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Son would not consider Iowa because a relative who lives there told him it stands for Idiots Out Walking Around.

I took UPenn off my list for several reasons, but the stupidest were the weird button sculpture (it looked like a chunk of styrofoam!) and the tradition of biting into actual styrofoam hats.

Btw I read through this whole thread - hilarious! :slight_smile:

Idiots Our Walking Around—LOL!

My D is ultra-concerned that her grandmother will drop in on her unannounced if she attends my alma mater, which is 2 hours from her grandmother’s house.

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Will she?

lol, @ohiovalley16 , my D thinks the same thing of a school she was admitted to - then she realized it’s less than 2 hours away from her grandparents’ house.

My mother had actually made a comment, though, that she could “pop over” and take her out to lunch, etc. - I told D Grandma is not going to drive somewhere for two hours on the chance that you will not be “home” in your dorm room, then have to drive back
 She will call first! And it probably wouldn’t happen often, probably only once during her freshman year
 D likes spending time with her grandmother, otherwise

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@ohiovalley16 My S went to school near my mom and before he decided to go we actually sat down with her and made her promise that there would be no “unannounced popping by to say hi” . My S loves his grandmother dearly but didn’t want to always be thinking about if she would come knocking at his door. We had an honest chat, no feelings were hurt, and it worked out extremely well. My S and my mom would occasionally make plans to meet, but it was not often and was always at a time that worked for him. And when they me he enjoyed having a nice/free dinner with her. Having that proactive discussion worked well for us. When grad school rolled around, my S ended up at a school near where dear friends of my H and I live and he was actually happy to know that there was someone he knew living close-by.

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@ohiovalley16 , my D is a freshman at a college about 1.5-2 hrs away from Grandma and Aunt. They actually did go up to visit her and take her to lunch. It took about a month of back-and-forth texting and phone calls to establish a date and time that worked for all three of them: it was not as easy as it seemed. My mom realizes that the drive is just difficult enough that she shouldn’t try it without my sister. Fortunately, my sister has an 11th-grader and totally gets it.