Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Not going to name names but my children refuse to consider a few top 100 schools that low sophisticatation members of the family graduated from.

@2muchquan @Badgers21 I don’t blame them. Although my hatred for New England sports teams never stopped me from applying to four MA schools and one CT school. Same way that my love for NY sports teams didn’t stop me from going all the way to NC. :slight_smile:

Not betraying the Packers would be a completely logical thing in H’s family, except that they all live in Illinois.

I never suggested the U of Nebraska to my kids. I don’t think I would have allowed it (really), but avoided the whole issue by not ever bringing it up.

Just met up with a kid who said “[Sue22’s kids’ school]? I had a friend who really liked it. Know why he decided not to apply? He saw a spider.”

We both laughed and I told him I’d be adding that to this list.

Will definitely be crossing schools off my list for being TOO liberal

DD would not look at school’s whose names or letters she didn’t think would look good on a sweatshirt! I really tried to get her to look at Ithaca but she was convinced people would think it was a skin fungus! Sigh!! 8-|

I have loved reading this thread
S totally agrees with some of the most irrational reasons given, like the rectangular state. Come to think of it, none of the schools to which he applied are in a rectangular state

S’s safety school emailed an acceptance with a huge colorful font announcing “Good news is on it’s way!” He didn’t really want to go there anyway, but that error certainly added to it.(I felt bad for the school and sent them an email pointing out the error and suggesting they fix it so it would not reflect badly on the school. They sent a corrected one a few days later.)

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^^^ Ouch!

No schools in Indiana because of its bigot religious freedom law. It was a matter of principle.
No Tufts because the tour guide mentioned that their robotics program uses LEGO Mindstorms,
 too elementary.
No Princeton because it was too pretentious.
No Boston College because the info session was greeted by a nun.
No Villanova because a theology class is required.
No Univ. Maryland
 too many red buildings.
No Univ. Rochester
too cold.
No Stevens
too much road constructions.
No Penn State
too much football.
No California schools
too much drought, she takes long showers.

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For D16 any school that had orange as a school color. That eliminated a fair number of schools.:slight_smile:


A Catholic college should not have to hide its Catholic identity. Why did she even bother to visit these schools if she is anti-religious?


No schools near a coastline because she has an insane fear of sharks, like sharknado might happen if she got too close. The Nova Southeastern Sharks sent her a lot of mail, which was amusing in itself.

If there wasn’t a Chipotle in walking distance it did not make the list.

No schools in the Midwest because there are too many farm people there and they are too ‘nice’, which apparently is a bad thing?!?

Also, people in the south are too relaxed and laid back and watch Fox News too much, but still she applied to two schools in the South so they must be exceptions to that rule.

@TomSrOfBoston, remember the title of this thread? :slight_smile:

OK, not my kid’s issue, but I just learned that Hoda Kotb is a Virginia Tech alumna. Ick.

The big, giant spider that was featured prominently on all the brochures.

Definitely stupid reasons- as Chicagoans and other big city Midwesterners would agree.

A not so stupid reason we did not encourage our son to look at the U of Chicago. It’s on the south side, an oasis among some not great/bad neighborhoods. Our rebellious distance runner, young (still 16 when started college) was not listening to us regarding safety in running locally (slippery conditions/dark
) so we didn’t trust him to not get himself in trouble. We quietly did not put it on his radar. Who knows if it would have appealed to him or he would have gotten in- it was a lot less worry for parents. If he really wanted it he would have pursued it and we would have toured et al.


I didn’t want to apply to any colleges that required years of a foreign language in high school to get in.

My sister refuses to look at any schools that have the letter “w” in it and any places that do not have satisfactory school colors 8-|

@MamaBear16 That would have put my D off as well. In fact URichmond was a no-go for her LAC search as their nickname is the Spiders.