Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

LOL @GnocchiB - I just didn’t want to offend the entire population of one of our 50 states. : )

@tutumom2001 - My D also refused to consider any school within a certain state. Fast forward- her randomized roommate at the schools she DID pick is from said state- they become the best of friends, and she is spending part of her summer there. :slight_smile:

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》》 It wasn’t until we went to the football game that afternoon and she saw cowboy hats, cowboy boots, pickup trucks and horses everywhere that she started bawling because “I can’t be a cowboy for four years!”《《

I never understand why so many people don’t like cowboy/country types. I come from a pretty boring urban area, and ended up at a Midwestern university. There are definitely more a few country people there, and they are some of the nicest, smartest, most interesting people I know.

But to each his own. It’s a good thing that there’s so many options - in so many states!

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@albert69 - I know, right? All I know was, when I walked around Wyoming, I was jealous because I didn’t even know it was an option when I was looking at schools in the 80’s. I would have been the happiest girl in the world there!

I grew up on a farm and went to the state flagship (U of Nebraska). I went kicking and screaming because I had no desire to go to “Football U” at the time. It turned out to be a pretty decent four years, though!

@MOMANDBOYSTWO< “I’m not exactly sure why, but this is the college I want to attend.”>

Intuition :slight_smile: I mother could never explain, why she invested money in some stock but not the other. But she got really good returns.

Don’t press your son for a logical explanations. He may have strong intuition. It is a very, very helpful trait in life. Better than logic.

^^^More than one student has started at their “dream school” only to want to transfer half way through first semester.

The Midwest does not have cowboys. There is a huge difference in country/small towns/farms and cowboys.

This is such a fun thread. Just like his sister, my youngest is hung up on school colors and mascots. Of course the school he chose to attend is one where he doesn’t like the colors- and they don’t even have a mascot! He recently asked if schools ever change their colors…ummm… Not likely.

“I don’t like the name. It sounds so stuffy and stuck up.” (Duke, Bucknell)

D had to be sure that there was a Starbucks on campus, or failing that, within walking distance.

My mom protests me applying to Skidmore because the name is “gross.” Also doesn’t like New College of Florida because the interns she had from the college at her work didn’t shave.
I refuse to look at Vassar because of a horror movie that was filmed in the town.

The only kind of cowboy that my D17 longs to be is “Office Cowboy” at Deep Springs. Alas, that’s not happening until they start accepting women and/or opening it up to “Office Cowgirls.”

May not be stupid to her (may be stupid just to me), but my daughter won’t consider some colleges just because Dad suggests them. You liked your 2 visits at Bryn Mawr, what about a look at Smith or Scripps? You want to do ED1 at Reed, what about Oberlin or Skidmore? What if you do not get into Reed? Oh, Lewis and Clark, then. Well, I cannot complain. So I will just delete this post, just not by mistake hit the…

Springs has agreed to accept women; too bad it’s being held up by crabby and regressive alums.

^^would you say that to Smith or another women’s college?

if I hear “it’s in the middle of nowhere” again as an excuse from my D18 I am going to scream! Example…the University of Delaware is not in the middle of nowhere.

**One parent posted that she felt that Georgetown University was “isolated”. Huh?

I might if everyone but a small group of alums had decided that going co-ed was a good idea.

List gets pared down every day due to supplemental essay requirements.

My DC doesn’t like schools with “too many libraries.” So, I find myself checking school websites to count them. But really, won’t this generation just google everything anyway?