Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

My daughter refuses to look at any southern schools. “We’re Jewish. We don’t do the South.”

Oh, and she decided she would “get over” the fact that her #2 choice’s colors are the same as the New York Mets.

"My daughter refuses to look at any southern schools. “We’re Jewish. We don’t do the South.”

I know what she means. Lol. But not even Tulane ( or " Jew-lane" as my definitely Jewish kids call it)?

"My daughter refuses to look at any southern schools. “We’re Jewish. We don’t do the South.”

She clearly has never been to south Florida.

Lol @twoinanddone! She most certainly has. That’s not the south, it’s just a satellite of NY with a lower latitude.

Our daughter did not want to apply to our flagship state university because “I don’t want to mind myself sitting in class next to a bunch of people from my high school.” We didn’t probe whether anything deeper was involved than simply a desire to get well out of town.

@mackinaw Funny we were touring Ohio State a few years back. D didn’t want to consider it for the same reason. We were trying to assure her that on a campus of 45,000 she wouldn’t be likely to run into people from her HS too often. Low and behold she saw three people who were freshman on campus who she knew from HS at different times while touring campus. It didn’t do much to bolster our argument. She didn’t apply.

I attended UT-Austin when the student body was about 48,000. I grew up in Austin, and quite a few kids from my high school also attended the school. I don’t think I ever ran into a single one of them on campus! Even a close friend who lived in a nearby dorm.

@Grainraiser It makes me feel a little inferior if they feel compelled to send something to me they wouldn’t ever send anyone else. I know that isn’t the intention, but this is a stupid reasons thread. I would have reconsidered if any of those colleges had been super high up to begin with. :wink:

I agree on boycotting schools that send info in Spanish just because of my heritage. It smacks of pandering and making major assumptions about my life. I also reject any other biz offers made in a similar manner. Our family spoke English. Know maybe three words in Spanish.

My children’s last name is very Irish, but they are Jewish because I am. All of my kids have received tons of mailings from Catholic colleges. I once asked a couple of my friends with Jewish last names and kids who had similar stats if they got those same mailings and they didn’t. I guess they figured my kids are Catholic so they would like Jesuit and the like schools.

My middle and third sons refused to get out of the car at H’s alma mater because the buildings were ugly! In their defense, they were. The same middle son refused to consider any school that has a required religion class unless it offered an option in atheism. He wound up at a public college.

My D refused to look at any school that had a football team.

Wow are there actually colleges without a football team? We as a family have zero interest in football but can tolerate its existence on campus. Good one.

“Wow are there actually colleges without a football team?”

Yep. Both of my kids attend one. :slight_smile:

There are quite a few without football–Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Wellesley … but it seems a shame to eliminate Harvard and Stanford because they have football.

Many of the LACs don’t have football teams. No big loss. You can’t certainly craft a list of stellar academic institutions without a football team.

You can also craft a list of regional Us without football.

H’s alma mater has a football team, which makes us 1 for 4 on that scale. D and I both graduated from schools with no football team and S attends a school overseas.

@twoinanddone -

You made me laugh at the concept of Smith, Mt. Holyoke and/or Wellesley actually having football teams. My D refused to look at those schools because there were no boys; however, I didn’t think that was a stupid reason not to look at a school, so I didn’t initially mention it. As for Harvard and Stanford, they were never contenders for her presence in any event.

Not having a football team is a point of pride for Antioch. They have a big sign advertising that on their info table. I don’t think Bard and Skidmore have football. Reed barely has sports teams (except for lite club sports). Just a few that leap to mind from our search. It’s doable.

@techmom99 funny, my name is as Jewish as it gets and I got lots of mail from Christian colleges

There are large and mid-size Us without football, too – UCSD, Bradley in Illinois.

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