Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

^^ Because it is so much cooler in Gainesville?

But she found out that Boulder has a live buffalo that runs the field at games. She says she can’t go to a school that keeps a buffalo in captivity. Ugh[/quote}

Ralphie is not in a zoo. She has a great life, lives on a ranch (and yet no one is going to eat her), gets to travel (she went to the Alamo Bowl this year), gets all dolled up before every game with a trip to the car wash and lots of treats. She is often named the #1 mascot.

Ralphie is not in a zoo. She has a great life, lives on a ranch (and yet no one is going to eat her), gets to travel (she went to the Alamo Bowl this year), gets all dolled up before every game with a trip to the car wash and lots of treats. She is often named the #1 mascot.

Thank you so much @twoinanddone for letting me know this. I will let my D know.

And yet somehow I cannot imagine a buffalo enjoying being in a car wash…

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Or travel to San Antonio (unless she’s stampeding with the rest of a herd).

I used to teach there (I’m pretty sure there’s only one school with that mascot) - good decision by your daughter! :))

The women’s teams used to be the Westerwinds, which might actually be worse . . . . :slight_smile:

@poblob14 what school is it? Dying to know!

@Hanna, good point. I think we all know how that stampeding herd thing went … it wouldn’t make @Marcie123’s D feel any better about CU.

I’m glad this thread has become active again.

@GnocchiB The school was Western Illinois. They are referred to as “leathernecks”, but their official mascot is a bulldog. Because I know you are as curious as I was, I looked up what a “leatherneck” is:

“The term originated from the wide and stiff leather neck-piece that was part of the Marine Corps uniform from 1798 until 1872. This leather collar, called The Stock, was roughly four inches high and had two purposes. In combat, it protected the neck and jugular vein from cutlasses slashes.”

S18 got mail from a certain school in the South, that I had heard of and thought would be a good match for him, but he was not enthusiastic about it. When I asked him why, he complained that the town in which the school is located is mentioned in an Elvis song, and he got the impression that the town “is a dump.” None of us has ever been there, so that opinion could only be based on the song. There is no reasoning with him, either. I pointed out how short sighted it was to eliminate a school just because of an unfounded impression you get from a song. And that if the town was mentioned in an Elvis song, then that had to be at least 40 years ago, and a lot can change in that time. He was not convinced. 17 year olds are weird.

My D rejected one school because the town was too much like our town. Ironically, many kids from our HS choose this school specifically because it is like our town, but a couple of hours away.

^i don’t think that’s a stupid reason to not attend a college, but to each their own.

So happy to know this because my S18 has said he wants to go to college in a town just like ours. I found it startling at first but then I was happy because it means he likes where he lives, right? It’s why he loved Dartmouth and Hanover even though I don’t think that’s a good choice for him (as awesome as it is academically and otherwise).

@techmom99 no pressure but I would love to know what the college town was if you are comfortable sharing.

@Postmodern -

No problem, It was New Paltz, as in SUNY. I didn’t really think it was at all like the town we live in, but she did. She also hated the admissions officer who said that the school didn’t give merit money because it preferred to put its money into program and facilities. The SUNY she wound up at gave her merit money. It wasn’t a lot, just $1K a year, but it made her feel valued. She felt that New Paltz was “stuck up” in her words.

As a student:

Didn’t like Georgetown because the girls seemed fake and passive-aggressive, didn’t like American because 3 Uber drivers in a row cancelled because they couldn’t figure out how to get through campus to me. Won’t apply anywhere in Boston because I don’t like Boston. Ruled out the Claremont schools because during my Pitzer tour, I saw two guys in boxers making instant ramen on a stovepot at 4 in the afternoon. Ruled out UCF after our tour guide proudly boasted the classes he had taken there were significantly easier than his AP classes in high school. Won’t consider Bama despite a full ride offer because it’s too conservative, and won’t consider Vandy because the kids I saw there looked like a modern interpretation of royalty during the French Revolution. Won’t consider Marlboro because of the cig brand.

Honorable mention to my mom, who vetoed Carleton, Macalester, and Oberlin for being “too cold” without any deliberation.

A family friend does not want to look at Dickinson because it has the word “dick” in its name.

Northwestern sent my kid a brochure wrapped in plastic, rather than recyclable, biodegradable, etc paper.

I was accepted at Boston College but chose not to attend. Coming out of 12 years of catholic schools I did not want the Jesuits looking over my shoulder as the nuns had done. Of course college would not have been like that but I was 17 and knew everything. ( I only applied because we were required to apply to at least one Catholic college.

I’ll add to this thread too.

My D18 doesn’t want apply to any schools in OH because she’s a Warriors fan and hates the Cavaliers and especially LeBron James.

My S19 doesn’t want to look at any schools in the south because “What do people even do in the South?” He’s under the impression that it would be like going to a foreign country. We live in Virginia.

Most recent reason to not consider a school…Gonzaga because it sounds too much like Gorgonzola Cheese. (I sent one of her free SAT score reports anyway) :blush: thank goodness I am done after DD’18!

D1 wouldn’t look at Dickinson because she knew of a few kids who went there and thought they were just ‘ordinary’ kids. I guess she didn’t think they were special snowflakes like she is. Lol.

Wouldn’t look at F&M, because when she did some research on it, she concluded it was too ‘generic’. Whatever that means!