Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

It’s worth mentioning that several colleges were also off of one child’s list because they were in places deemed too humid. This was bad for the complexion.

Oh, but beer cheese soup is so good. Try using it as a fondue instead!

A friend’s daughter picked a school (decent coed university). She never visited the school until after she paid a deposit even though it was only an hour or so away. She took an official gap year. During the gap year she decided to apply to an all girl’s school. She said she knew she would see males/females doing things unsightly in the halls as she walked to her room if she went to the original school. They didn’t see a dorm on their tour.

@PepperJo mine ruled out one whose school colors were yellow and brown

@YaleMomOf7 The beer cheese soup thing might be my favorite on this thread!! =)) I don’t like soup but beer and cheese are two of my favorite things so maybe I should check out Madison!

cheese curds are pretty amazing . . . . I’m not a big beer drinker, but I sure enjoyed visiting my UW kid. Madison has a terrific farm-to-table restaurant scene so is a great place to visit your kid!

@Dustyfeathers Humidity is actually good for the skin! Not for hair though.
D ruled out a school because her frenemy’s father went there.

I like UMN more than Case Western because there are more opportunities to play hockey. (Said kid doesn’t play hockey)

One daughter rejected a college because they do not allow dogs in dorm rooms. That was our first college tour, and we went on a day when no other students were visiting so we had the tour guide all to ourselves. I could not understand why she suddenly lost all interest in the school and had to explain later that schools generally do not allow you to have dogs in the dorms.

@katrina1 there are colleges that allow dogs in dorm rooms?!

@3sonsmom there are several schools that allow pets in one or more dorms, although there are generally rules about size and type. Eckerd College is one - and they have a special graduation ceremony for the pets the day before the seniors graduate each year! Stetson also allows pets in one dorm.

There probably are somewhere but I never found a college that allowed dogs unless they were therapy dogs. She had to totally revamp her view of college once she learned dogs do not follow owners to college.

ESA are allowed in dorms by federal law. The schools can define the terms (only first floor, only in certain dorms as long as the restrictions are reasonable and as long as all students who need the ESA are allowed to have them). I’d be the student requesting the opposite, that I’d want the pet free dorm.

“She had to totally revamp her view of college once she learned dogs do not follow owners to college.”

Thank you for making my day. It made me think of the time my daughter caught me putting money under her pillow for her tooth. It was the day I killed Santa Clause as she figured out the while scheme over a two minute span.

But honesty, my D is considering 3 schools with ORANGE as the school color. I told her, for my complexion, we really have to think about this… (I was kidding, but seriously, ORANGE??)

My son’s college had orange. I wore an orange zip sweatshirt to games. Lots of the clothing just had writing in orange.

I’ve noticed that orange seems to be the new color in men’s Ts and sweaters.

Is it really fair to the dog to confine the animal to a small freshman dorm room?

My D refused to consider a school because a girl who clung to her in HS was going there and D wanted to branch out. The poor girl wound up coming home after one month and my D missed out on what could have been a good school for her, though the school she chose was amazing for her.

The primary reason my kids refused to look at a school was that it was too close to home. They were afraid that H, who is known for just going to friends’ houses and knocking on the door to see if they are home, would do the same to them. They know he won’t drive more than an hour or two so that informed their choices.

D refused to get out of the car at one school… Too many kids wearing that pink whale clothes.

We visited U Mass Amherst. Son realized we were driving right towards the high rise brick building that sticks out like a sore thumb in the otherwise bucolic landscape, and that this was, indeed, the university. Son said immediately, “I’m not going here.” I asked him why. He said he’s going to a college with a pretty campus and that, “I’ll be there everyday. I want something nice to look at.” Fair enough.

We did the tour anyway, and decided it was better on the inside than the outside.