Subject selection help PLEASE

<p>I need to submit my IB subject selection soon and i need advice on what subjects i should take. Im planning to study abroad in the US. In college i want to take something biomedical-related (biomedical engineering or biochemistry etc.) and a backup would be to take a business-related major instead. </p>

<p>This is what im thinking of:
Biology HL
Economics HL
Math HL
English A SL
Chemistry SL
Mandarin Chinese ab initio </p>

<p>The thing is, i've never taken Additional Math or Chemistry at IGCSE levels, so im unsure whether to take Math HL or not. I think i would be able to cope. </p>

<p>Do you think this is a reasonable subject combination?</p>

<p>I think your subject combination is alright . I’d advise you to take both physics but since you can’t take three sciences in IB, never mind! Hopefully you’ve taken IGCSE physics as it will help since you plan on studying a discipline of engineering. Even if you haven’t, don’t worry at all, I also decided this year (Year 11) that I want to go into the scientific field but haven’t taken physics IGCSE. My counselor said it’s absolutely fine since there are intro physics classes at university (only applies to US universities BTW) that one can take without any prior knowledge.</p>

<p>I can’t advise you one whether or not you’ll be able to cope with SL chemistry without taking chemistry previously. However, my school’s IBC informed us that SL sciences classes can be learn’t from scratch. You will however need to fully commit to the class as it won’t be easy. Regarding HL Maths: I’ve taken IGCSE additional maths this year and can tell you that additional maths will only provide you with a bit of background knowledge for higher level maths but it is by no means sufficient preparation (I am not speaking from personal experience however). Doing it will make no difference if you intend on taking higher level maths according to my IBC because higher level maths goes into much more depth and requires critical thinking skills that you aren’t taught in IGCSE. The questions are of a different nature and require absolutely amazing problem solving skills! Don’t be turned off by anything I tell you, though. If you need it for your future career and are willing to put in consistent hard work I think you should go ahead and take it. But NEVER underestimate it’s difficulty as after all it is objectively the hardest IB course out there! </p>

<p>However, I strongly recommend you take HL chemistry (if you can cope) as it will be better prepare you for college chemistry courses which are extremely hard. And if your not willing to take HL maths I’d stick with SL and take HL chemistry instead. </p>

<p>So go either of these combos:(These combos would be ideal for your intend major(s)</p>

<p>Chemistry HL
Biology HL
Economics HL
Maths SL
English SL
Mandarin SL </p>

<p>or </p>

<p>Chemistry HL
Biology HL
Maths HL
English SL
Economics SL (college don’t expect students to have actually taken any business/economics courses before starting college so this should be fine as it will provide you with sufficient background knowledge)
Mandarin SL </p>

<p>Rather take </p>

<p>Biology HL
Economics HL
Math SL
English A HL
Chemistry SL
Mandarin Chinese ab initio</p>

<p>English isn’t all that different - almost everyone in my school takes it at HL. Chem HL is difficult but I didn’t take IGCSE Bio and Chem at all since I basically skipped a year and a half of school due to my family moving and I still managed to maintain good grades in both.
Math HL is generally a very difficult course and if you’re not completely confident in taking it - don’t.</p>