Subject tests?

I’m getting my subject test scores tomorrow and im expecting pretty low scores ofr math 2 and bio.For UCs in particular, is it better not to send any subject test scores or to send bad ones? Either way im gonna register for the December one, which is the last one i can take, so when is the last day i can send scores for UCs also. BTW im applying for biology at all UC schools?

If there are recommended subject tests for your major then you should send them in unless they are very low. If you are retaking in December, you probably need to have them automatically sent so they meet the deadline by end of December.

so when is the last day i can send them?

Have them automatically sent with the free score reports when you take the exams to insure they arrive on time.

@Gumbymom If you don’t mind me asking, what would you consider very low? I received a pretty low score (660) on the Physics Subject Test which is recommended for my major, and now I’m debating as to whether or not I should send it. I put on my app that I was planning on taking it which would make not sending it even worse, I think. What would you recommend doing?