Submit or go Test Optional

Thoughts on submitting 1530 SAT score or going test optional.

Been reading not to submit for EDII or RD if below 1550 and to just go TO.

Rest of app is solid ranked within top 10 both with unweighted 4.42 #4/weighted 5.24 #7 GPA.

What are the score breakdowns and what major are you applying to? My first inclination is to submit a 1530 with those solid GPA/class rank numbers, but more info on course rigor, size and type of school would be useful for those giving opinions.

Thank you…

Psychological & Brain Sciences - Cognitive Neuroscience
Public HS
9 APs (APUSH 5, LANG 5, PSYCH 5, Physics 4, Comp Sci Prin 4) (CALC AB, LIT, CHEM, STATS TBD - maintaining As in those)
Honors HIST, SCI, ENG prior to JR year when school permits AP courses
460+ in grad class so top1% of grad class with those rankings

top 1% and a 790 Math and you are hesitating submitting?

You lose NOTHING and might gain substantially. The scores reinforce the academic profile.

I’d submit and never look back…


If the score is at or above the 50th percentile for Vandy I’d definitely submit.

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Submit with confidence. Plain and simple. The fact that we’ve come to the point where students are hesitating to submit a 1530 with a 790M is ridiculous.


100% submit.


I read the whole thread looking for a punchline.

Ughhhh yes submit.

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57% submit (which likely means the other 43% don’t have the score).

1530 is higher than the mid point - although I don’t know the 50th percentile median.

The 740 is above the 25th and the 790 is below the 75th.

The score adds value to the app.

If you don’t get admitted, I can’t imagine it’s because of the score.

But not having a score (don’t forget athletes and other hooked are part of that 43% who don’t submit - not having a score could hurt.

Best of luck.


Thank you

It was another Vandy thread where someone shared that in hindsight they wished they went TO because they submitted a 1520 and did not get admitted. They stated Vanderbilt is trying to boost their test score range and wants to take students with scores that will do just that and felt 1550 was the sweet spot to submit.

Sure it’s all about a complete app/pkge so wanted to ask if in case that was just a post made after the fact with “submitters remorse” due to not getting admitted.

Hoping the EDI works out. Counting the daysssssss

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punchline → rationale behind why even asking has been shared

This is just not true. There is no way they know what kept them from being admitted, and I would say with virtual certainty it wasn’t a 1520.



It’s getting crazier and crazier

There are two extremes - these types of questions and the other end = where people ask how CA even works.

you’re right

soon it will be I didn’t get in because they needed more left handed people and I was a righty.

This is absurd, that someone with a virtually perfect math score and a very nice English score, would ever imagine that they should NOT submit that score!

Of course you should submit those scores, anywhere and everywhere you apply.


I 100 percent agree OP should submit and I think it’s crazy that people with such high scores are now questioning that. However, I will say I was SHOCKED last summer when we visited Northwestern and the AO giving the presentation explicitly said that when people with a 1550 (that was the number she said!) ask her if they should submit their scores, she always replies “it depends”. I cannot imagine a scenario where submitting a score that high (or 1530) would actually hurt an application.

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I would definitely submit. Son is a recent graduate of Vandy and had a great experience there. Best of luck!!


D24 submitted her 1530 (750V and 780M) without thinking twice. If that’s what holds her back from getting in, Vanderbilt isn’t the school she believes it to be.


To your point WashU stated during info session, “Sure you could still submit a 1490.”
We were like - did we hear her correctly???

Sounds like that other person assumed they’d get in so is looking for a why they didn’t. Trying to justify. But they have no clue why they didn’t. None. I’m doubtful if applying ED that is why. Don’t know of course but can’t imagine.

Edit reading further. Repeat of @Mwfan1921