Submitted a correction on FAFSA past the deadline

So I went to go check my FAFSA earlier in the day and it said continue or start over… I didn’t know I didn’t have to so I went through, making no changes, and submitted it again. Now it says “Latest correction Submitted: 1/17”… and the original was posted in October. I have no idea what to do, will I be counted as late for the priority deadline because I submitted an empty correction two days past the deadline even though the same one was submitted before? Please help if you can. Is there a way to cancel the correction before it processes? Will I be fine? Thanks

If you submitted it on October…that will be the date for your submission.

In situations like this, it never hurts to ask the college FA department. They are there to help you. Things like this happen all the time. Tell them you just want to make sure the corrected information is used in your application, and this is a bit confusing to you. A ten minute phone call at most, will give you the reassurance that you are fine, and you will be able to confirm they have everything they need.