Submitted App; it's complete! (/RD Applicants 2013!)

<p>Any other de-stressed individuals?</p>

<p>Everything had been sent in (my stuff and SSR, recs, etc.) a LONG time ago except the supplement! That went in last night, much to my pleasure. I got into my EA school, and so Princeton was my last app in (only three total). Feels good.</p>

<p>I got the confirmation email; an hour later, one saying my app was complete. After the interview, I'm done!</p>

<p>Who else got the app in?</p>

<p>^ ME :)</p>

<p>GL to us both, Baelor! I hope to be chillin’ in an eating club with you next year!</p>

<p>Maybe…I just hope I have options (three, preferably :P).</p>

<p>What did you do for the summer thing? I just wrote brief 3-4 sentence descriptions for each (some needed it…like visiting family after my grandfather’s heart attack, etc.)</p>



<p>Yeah, I did almost the exact same thing Baelor. One paragraph apiece.</p>

<p>I chose Topic 1 for the Supplemental Essay, and pwned it haha.</p>

<p>^ Same! Princeton is so cute.</p>

<p>I’ll be done by December 24th. It’s my personal due date because I’ll be on a band trip from Christmas to Jan 3rd =[</p>

<p>my teacher recommendations are still NOT received and i’m getting impatient! ARGGGHH</p>

<p>okay just needed to scream for a moment there</p>

<p>I sent from Singapore via normal mail (increased risk of them getting lost) on 11/26 so it’s been three weeks! Maybe i’ll send two more copies tmr via FedEx. I’ve had enough with cheap government postal services :x My dad’s so gonna flip at the cost though.</p>

<p>For the summer activities question I actually did a list. Now i’m starting to feel like it was a terrible idea :x</p>