<p>Okay, yeah, this seems really stupid of me because it shows that I didn’t think it through, so please don’t lecture me on that.</p>
<p>I guess just for the curious, this is what happened. I always wanted to go to UCLA, it was the #1 university I wanted to attend, and when I got accepted I actually cried. I loved it even more after actually visiting the campus. BUT… I took into consideration my parents words of wisdom, as well as other things like summer program costs, tuition, distance from home, etc. and so I submitted my SIR for UCSD and decided to just go to UCLA for graduate studies. Then all of a sudden my parents say that they wouldn’t mind me going into UCLA anymore, and I’m like… ._.</p>
<p>Sooo… now I’m wondering, is it possible to ‘rescind’ my SIR for UCSD and accept UCLA’s? And to what extent is the difficulty in doing so?</p>
<p>Calm down. You’ll be fine.</p>
<p>"Q:How do I withdraw my Statement of Intent to Register?</p>
<p>A:If youve changed your mind and want to decline the offer of admission from UC San Diego after youve already accepted, send an email to <a href=“mailto:sirdecline@ad.ucsd.edu”>sirdecline@ad.ucsd.edu</a>. Be sure to include your name, application ID number, and a statement telling us that you are declining the offer of admission."</p>
<p>Link: admissions.ucsd.edu/applicantfaq.pdf</p>
<p>You’ll loose $100 but it’s all good. Congrats on UCLA! As long as you didn’t decline UCLA’s original offer (I hope you didn’t) you can still SIR. If I remember from back when…the deadline is sometime in June right?</p>
<p>Deadline is May 1, 11:59 p.m. here in CA. Might be 8:59 for the East Coast acceptances. Not sure on that but the UCs are definitely NOT June-something.</p>
<p>Sorry I’m a transfer applicant right now…got mixed up there xP</p>
<p>Thanks oceanpartier!
And thanks laplatinum too. :)</p>