<p>Okay so yesterday I finished the Williams supplement, and submitted it around 6 pm PST. But I totally forgot that Williams doesn't let you submit the Common App before you submit the Supplement, so I forgot to submit the Common App until I realized my mistake and freaked out.</p>
<p>The common app website let me submit at 12:15 am PST, but it says that for Williams my common app was submitted 01/02/2012 (one day past the deadline), and it has not been downloaded yet, which is also freaking me out.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if Williams has a grace period? I was looking around and apparently the financial aid office doesn't get back until the 3rd, but nothing I could find on the admissions office...thanks!!!</p>
<p>Don’t totally freak out! I applied ED and here’s what happened. You will get an email (i got my the day after the nov. 10th deadline) and you will get an account on a website thing for Williams where it will list all received materials. It takes a while for that website to be updated, because they have to process all the applications, so I think you’ll be fine. I applied ED and it took like 10 days for my stuff to be registered on that website. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. My SATS scores were also late and it didn’t end up hurting me(i got in
). I wouldn’t worry about it UNLESS you don’t get a application confirmation email from them in the next week or so. Also, if you’re really concerned just email the admissions office telling them what happened and why it says Jan. 2. That’s what I did for my late SAT scores and it wasn’t a big deal. BEST OF LUCK!!</p>
<p>DEEP BREATH-- ok? I’d call the Admissions Office and explain. as carolineeleanor has stated it is not going to be a big deal, especially as you had submitted the supp application on time-- the interface for the Common Application is not the most straight forward of sites–for example-- the program only accepts certain typefaces into their essay links (but it is difficult to figure this out-- and how to correct the problem) and turns the others to gobbledygook. (That was my D’s last minute nightmare when she applied ED). </p>
<p>Bottom line–I STRONGLY doubt you will have any problems nor will the slightly late date be held against you. Williams isn’t that type of college–which is why my D is so happy about going!</p>
<p>GOOD LUCK–and again–RELAX.</p>
<p>Okay. I checked this morning, and they downloaded my app, so I am in the clear. Thank god, haha.</p>
<p>Williams is one of my top choices, so this is a relief. Congrats on getting in carolineeleanor!!! And thanks etondad. Your responses helped me so much.</p>
<p>De nada. Good luck. It is a wonderful school as you know-- it has a real sense of humanity about it, as you have discovered. </p>
<p>I hope you have the choice to attend after the RDs are posted on 4/1. Until then, try as best as you can–not easy I know-- to put it on the back burner of your mind until the big day approaches.</p>