Submitted to Engineering school without a science SAT II????

<p>I am signed up for the SAT subject tests on Saturday, and I've looked at the practice books for the PHysics SAT II, and it looks impossible- I know nearly nothing in that book. I'm taking AP PHysics right now, but we've only covered about the first couple chapters.. I know if i took the Literature test I would get a much higher score.</p>

<p>So is a science subject test ABSOLUTELY required? I could always take it in January so I'd have more time to study, but I'd rather not...</p>

<p>A science and math SAT II are required by the College of Engineering.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>January 24th SATs? aren’t those a bit too late?</p>

<p>take bio instead?</p>

<p>i wouldnt be too worried. I am also taking AP Physics (B) this year and took the Physics SAT II in November. We weren’t even done with kinematics by the time the test date came around. I looked at the book once, two days before the test, and i got a 750. If you did very well in your previous physics class and understood everything, you should be able to answer most of the questions.</p>

<p>The reason I didn’t study was because i had recently changed the school I was applying to (from CoE to CAS), so a subject test in science was no longer required of me. I expected to do poorly since we had barely covered anything in AP Physics so far. As you can probably tell I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not as hard as it’s cracked up to be.</p>

<p>if you really crack down, you can take the sat science subject tests after a day to a few days of studying. i.e. the physics test boils down to applying the basic formulas in really simple ways. cram for a day or two and take it sooner rather than later.</p>