Submitting ACT Score Late After the Deadline

If I submitted my act score at 12:20 when the deadline was by 12, will the admissions office still accept my application?

Purdue has to receive the scores directly from ACT, and they say everything has to be received by the deadline. If you are saying you requested the scores be sent from ACT at 12:20, you probably have a problem. Did you submit any scores prior to this? Ultimately, you will need to check with admissions to see if they are considering you for Early Action. Once you have access to their check application portal, it should also state there if you made the Early Action deadline. Good luck!!!

If you did not timely get your admissions package submitted by the EA deadline, you will of course be considered as part of the RD applicant pool; so you are still in the admissions hopper, you will just have a later notification date.

Did you already have any test score on file? As long as they have one score on file with your application, they will accept more scores before they make a final admission decision.