Submitting article

<p>Hello Guys,</p>

<p>Is it possible for high school students to submit articles to The Daily Princetonian like in the letters to the editor part or Op-Ed. Is it possible to do this to other ivy newspapers too?</p>

<p>You would have to get in touch with an editor, probably through this page: [Feedback</a> - The Daily Princetonian](<a href=“]Feedback”> </p>

<p>I’m not sure if they’d publish it, but it’s worth a shot!</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, I do read some of the political commentaries and always felt like submitting my opinion as well. Thanks for the info :slight_smile: I just hope they dont feel that it’s some annoying high school kid doing this for his resume or something lol.</p>

<p>Any more comments anyone? Anyone here from the paper itself?</p>