<p>Hello everyone :-),
If I decide to turn in my transfer application through the mail instead of online, will it make a difference? Why should someone submit their application a certain way?</p>
<p>As far as I understand, there is almost no difference. Unless you have terrible handwriting and really bad spelling (in which case use an online spell-checker), there is no difference. While some will argue that handwriting an application shows persistence and dedication, I’m guessing adcoms prefer typed applications - they are easier to read. Arguably, a handwritten application might stand out, but I won’t count on it in the least.</p>
<p>Submit your apps online - quicker, more convenient, easier for everybody.</p>
<p>Most schools seem to prefer applicants apply online, so I assume it’s easier for the school. If you submit the paper application, a clerk probably has to enter your application data manually into their system.</p>
<p>All admissions officers will tell you that for your convenience ( and their sanity lol) you should submit the application online. There are really no advantages to submitting a paper app because if you may as well use the online app for the specific college as opposed to commonapp. But all admissions officers will tell you they don’t care what you use. So, why not make it easier on yourself and do what saves time?</p>