My child already has a College Board account and I want to complete the CSS profile, but I do not want her to see my financial information. The college board says I can create a new one using my information, but it’s difficult to tell where her information should go in the setup process.
Can someone please help?
Are you still married to the other parent…or are you a non-custodial parent who is worried about this.
Different answer depending.
Also, wondering if you might not get more answers in the financial aid section of this site.
Hi - I created my own account for the same reason. You create the account in your name, with your own login information. Once in, there are specific places to put the student’s information, so that what you provide gets linked to them, but the majority of the form is your own financial information. Just watch carefully - they do state whose info they are asking for in each section. There are some Qs about the student’s income.