<p>Looks like DS has the option of submitting his portfolio either digitally via Slideroom or by sending in a CD. Anyone know if one method is preferred over the other?</p>
<p>Looks like DS has the option of submitting his portfolio either digitally via Slideroom or by sending in a CD. Anyone know if one method is preferred over the other?</p>
<p>My daughter submitted hers on a CD but I think using slide room is easier. If we were to do it again we would definitely use slide room. I don’t think the school cares either way but it may be easier for them to access using slide room.</p>
<p>I submitted mine via CD and it was received just fine. My major (ad. photo) did not require it, but I have a pretty well-fleshed portfolio and felt like it was a definite plus to include it. I got accepted, so maybe that was the extra tally mark for the odds to swing in my favor.</p>
<p>Personally I do not think Slideroom/CD matters, either way they have to sit down and look at a metric ton of portfolios in one go. My bet is that someone-- likely the lowest rung on the ladder-- uploads and saves the portfolios to a single viewing system (probably Slideroom, in the end) for whoever is actually doing to reviewing to more easily access.</p>
<p>That’s pure speculation, however.</p>