Submitting tape of two selections

<p>My D just noticed the requirement of submitting a tape of 2 contrasting musical selections at her Regional audition for the faculty to evaluate.
There don’t seem to be any other details-does anyone know what length of songs would be best. Should you do two full songs or a short cut, maybe one verse? Any advice…I think in addition she will probably call and ask the department but anyone with previous experience with this audition would be helpful.</p>

<p>When my D auditioned for Webster at the Unifieds last year, she recorded her audition pieces (so 32 bars each). That seemed to be exactly what they wanted; however, during the audition, they never asked for it. She had mistakenly left it in her hotel room. At the end of the audition, she asked if they wanted her to get it from her room and they didn't seem too concerned. She later dropped it off with a thank you note. As an after thought, she was told at the end of the interview that she should expect an offer from them, which she did receive. So, maybe that's why they weren't too concerned. BTW, she accepted the offer and absolutely loves Webster. It's extremely challenging, but she is thriving in the intensity and full immersion into her craft. Feel free to PM if you want additional information.</p>

<p>32 bars for each song is fine - they do not need the entire song. It's also important the pieces are contrasting so the MT faculty can evaluate the applicant's spectrum of vocal ability. In short, the auditionee should present selections that best showcase their vocal talent background.</p>

<p>The information requests a “tape” of the two pieces. Does it need to be a cassette tape or is a CD acceptable? Is there a preference?</p>

<p>We submitted a CD and that was fine.</p>

<p>To amplify Repster 411’s response, if you are auditioning in Chicago at the Unifieds, you will not need to bring a CD. We will provide an accompanist and the head of the MT program will be there. However, if you are auditioning at one of the other regional locations: New York, Houston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, or Los Angeles, you will need to bring a CD or tape.</p>

<p>Actually, you will need to have music to accompany your audition since we do not provide an accompanist at any of those locations.</p>

<p>I hope this is helpful.</p>
