<p>On UIUC's website, they do not specify whether or not the score report for the ACT has to be 'official', or directly from ACT. Does that mean I can send the scores I got on my high school transcript? Or should I also request my scores to be sent to UIUC?</p>
<p>Also, does anyone know if Indiana requires an official score report? The website says that they will accept photocopies...</p>
<p>And for the AP tests. How do we report those scores?</p>
<p>UIUC wants an offical score report from the testing agency. Not sure about IU.</p>
<p>AP scores are used for course credit after you are admitted. No college requires official reports for admission. Self-reporting in your required essay is one way to bring the scores to their attention in the hope they might consider them for admission. Another option is to send letter to admissions office enclosing photocopies of scores and ask them to be included in your admission file.</p>