How do you submit grade transcripts as an international student? I’m guessing I’m going to have to use a translation agency, but do I also submit the original transcript or just the translated one?
Also, in my country if you take a harder courseload your GPA gets multiplied by 1.3, would this show on my transcript, or is it meaningless?
Finally, if you know any reliable grade translation agencies, please comment them, as I haven’t found any:)
Generally, both
That’s a question for your HS. However, colleges will generally look at the unweighted GPA. Rest assured that admissions officers are familiar with international grading standards.
Generally not needed for undergraduate admissions. Any professional translator in your country will do.
If you are required to have your records formally evaluated, try I have not found a college or university here that does not accept their evaluations. The college where I work only accepts evaluations from WES.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does that mean i don’t have to do any kind of grade/gpa conversion?
If the college wants you to convert, it will tell you and will tell you how to do it. Of the major US universities, AFAIK only the public California colleges/universities ask for the applicant to convert. For the rest, report the grades as your school lists on the transcript.
Oh alright then, that’s a big relief haha. One last question: what do I put as my GPA on the common app? Do I just use the scale from my country?
They do not ask you for your GPA on the common app. It will be on your transcript. I recommend LINGOMOD for translation, i just paid for one and it was smooth they’re good with communicating with their clients so you could ask them about specifics.
Unless it’s changed recently, they do. But yes, use the scale from your country, and the numbers should also coincide with the transcript.
Thanks for all the answers guys!
@skieurope where? I submitted and they did not ask that anywhere.
Common Application → Education → Grades
They don’t. They ask you how many credits lol
It asks for GPA on my app. I don’t know if you’re a transfer student but that could be why it’s different 
I’m a first year applicant, so it asks for gpa and not credits since I don’t have college credits
Well, the OP is not a transfer applicant, so giving him/her info that does not really help, does it?