Substance-free Floors

<p>I saw on the housing application that there is an option to live on a substance-free floor in either Stanford or Hecht. I'm not much of a partier. I'd much rather hang out with friends, watch movies, and relax. I also don't smoke or drink so I'd like to make friends who also don't smoke or drink. However, I am social and want to meet new people and make great friends.
So for any students familiar with substance-free floors, what are they generally like? Are they still fun and social?</p>

<p>You need to meet my DS :)</p>

<p>I think he’s may consider this too…</p>

<p>Isn’t alcohol banned from the freshmen dorms since I assume most if not all the students living there would be under 21?</p>

<p>Probably, but this is college. I went to college in Evanston, Illinois, which had very strict alcohol rules back then due to Evanston being the home of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Do you think that mattered to college students?</p>

<p>A lot of college kids drink. Are they old enough? Are there rules against it? I think that’s besides the point. Just check out the Facebook pages for the class of XX at whatever college. Kids looking for roommates to party with. A lot talk about looking for balance. At a school like Miami, you have to study also or you won’t last.</p>

<p>Some kids just want no part of the party scene. It takes all types. Important to be realistic. I have heard about kids who had so many rules at home that they go overboard with the independence at college. Learn balance and moderation. And for the kid who doesn’t want to party, there’s support too – such as the substance-free floors.</p>

<p>My daughter lived on a substance free floor freshmen year at Miami and met lots of fun like minded kids. She just wanted to avoid the puking drunk/loud party scene. Believe it or not there were still people on those floors that did party as their parents made them live on those floors and they just drank anyway. But for the most part there were some great, fun people that she met and they had lots of social stuff that they did as a floor.</p>

<p>Both of my kids live on sub-free floors this year and both LOVE it! They plan all kinds of events for this group and really focus on doing fun things that don’t include looking for the nearest keg! </p>

<p>The kids that choose this for themselves are very like-minded. There are those who parents choose this for them when they sign them up for housing who don’t exactly choose this lifestyle . It is clear who those kids are! But, if this is your choice, and you agree with the philosophy of the floor, you will LOVE it!</p>

<p>Forgot to say, you can PM me if you want to know more.</p>

<p>If DS ends up at Miami, he will request the substance free floor too! I just asked him and he said yes :)</p>

<p>My DD too! She is a very social, fun kid with lots of outside interests and a sense of adventure who does not drink or smoke. She hopes to find like-minded kids at the U. I agree that even if drinking is done off-campus, students are likely to bring back to the dorms the undesired aftermath of a night of partying such as sickness/rowdiness/hangover.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help everyone!
And that’s awesome, MTnest and LINYMOM. I’m glad to know that there are other students that will be starting at UM in the fall who will also be living a substance-free lifestyle and living on one of the substance free-floors! I think it’ll be great to live with like-minded students.</p>