Suggest a match?

<p>Hi everyone, I'm a rising junior and I'm looking for some match or safety schools that would fit me. These schools need to give good financial aid or scholarships.</p>

<p>Major/Career: I'm hoping to work for the World Health Organization or the UN, so a good international relations or public health program would be good.</p>

School type: public, less than competitive school
GPA. 4.0
SAT I: Haven't taken it but i got a 2100 on my diagnostic, im studying! Im hoping to get ~2200 or an ACT 33/34
CR: 630
Math: 760
Writing: 710
SAT 2: World History - 800
Workload: Taking the hardest classes my school offers (all honors/AP)</p>

Marching Band - 9-12 (Head Drum Major 2 years, very time consuming)
Symphonic Band - 9-12 (2nd chair freshman year, 1st chair/section leader every other year)
Student Council - 10-12 (Secretary, hoping to run for president senior year)
Friends of Rachel - 10- 12 (Founder, President)
Cultural Diversity - 10-12 (Treasurer, hoping to run for vice president senior year)
SADD - 10-12 (Vice President)
National Honors Society - 10, 11,12</p>

Enviornmental Program - 10-12 (Secretary, 3 hours a week of recycling)</p>

Race - Middle Eastern (Jordanian)
Income - <$40,000
Live in the south suburbs of Chicago.</p>

<p>My dream schools are Yale and Columbia, but I also like Georgetown. Any similar schools that would match me would be great. Thanks!</p>

<p>I would definitely take a look at [QuestBridge</a> National College Match Program](<a href=“]QuestBridge”> when you apply.</p>

<p>Thank you so much mike00, i’ll definitely look more into that!</p>