<p>So it's November already and I still haven't finalized my college list yet, not quite. I have a bunch of reaches on my list but not many nice less selective colleges! :( I'd really appreciate if you guys could suggest some. I'm a undecided major, but I'll likely be choosing psychology or bio-related (or maybe even econ?); possible premed or something similar, which I'm guessing makes a large uni better than a LAC. It's good if the college is urban or close to an urban area. Any size not extremely large or small is fine, just something with reasonably small class sizes is good. :) Nice campus and social life are a plus. Money is not an issue. I'm having trouble finding the elusive "click" with colleges... </p>
<p>Asian female, high income bracket, NJ (ouchie)
GPA: 3.87 UW 5.5ishW out of 6 (that's like 4.5); plenty of honors courses and 7 AP classes total for 4 years
Rank: 18/464 (top 5%)
SATI: 2340 (800 CR 750 M 790 W)
SAT II: 800 Biology and Math II, 740 USH
APs: 5 Eng Lang, Stat, USH; 4 World History
ECs: some clubs and a couple officer positions in 12th, nothing great; work 11h/week at the library</p>
<p>My list??
UPenn (ED), Northwestern (legacy), Stanford, Princeton, Yale, and a couple other supa-reaches
NYU, JHU, UChicago, Swarthmore, Vanderbilt, Berkeley
Rice? Duke? Carnegie Mellon? Tufts?
Safeties... Rutgers, URochester?, UPitt? </p>
<p>I'd love any suggestions, I really need some! I'm not picky. =) I might just end up applying to 15-20 like my mom wants me to, but it'll be alright.</p>
<p>I would put Purdue as a safety. They have a good Science department and have a great nursing program. Krannert is going up the ranks and is I think in the Top 25 for business schools? Being Asian and from Jersey, I would definitely recommend going there. Financials screwed me over, but I would highly recommend you looking at it.</p>
<p>The University of Rochester is a good fit for you as well as Pitt Honors. You might consider adding BU, Brandeis University and possibly Case Western.</p>
<p>You have lovely stats, so I don’t see why you need 15-20 apps. I would recommend Duke because of it’s beautiful campus, social life, and great academics. Just remember to put it into the reach category. (Although I would, off-the-record bet you’ll be accepted.)</p>
<p>I hope UPenn says yes for ED to save you all that work!</p>
<p>just a suggestion to flesh out your list… your academics are phenomenal and can compete with the best of them and the National Merit is awesome; the EC’s could be a killer, but recs, essays, and the art supplement could make up for it:</p>
<p>12 is always a good number; 4 reaches, 5 matches, and 3 safeties is a nice round number</p>
UPenn ED (that’s fine)
Caltech (your grades are definitely there; right near LA, one of the best science, pre-med programs out there)
Rice: excellent pick</p>
Northwestern (your grades exceed their requirements and the legacy should help);
Vanderbilt (another great pick)
Carnegie Mellon! (I think that fits your profile perfectly and you have a great shot)
UNC Chapel Hill (very similar to Duke, slightly less selective, but one of the best pre-med programs and a wonderful school)
Johns Hopkins</p>
Rowan: I think one of the strongest science schools in the NJ state system and you’re a slam-dunk case
Boston University: Strong in science, right outside of Boston, campus is great, and social life is huge there (good safety)
Rochester: once again, strong in your majors; big research university coupled with small liberal arts feel… integrated within one of biggest cities in New York
Pitt Honors: less selective than Carnegie Mellon, but offers all the same benefits; save for more of a social life there and campus is extremely beautiful</p>
<p>Please consider this list! I think it fits your profile perfectly… and based on what you want in a college, I don’t think you’re looking for a small LAC like Chicago or Swarthmore</p>
<p>Please chance me on my profile for my schools… thanks!!</p>
<p>I think you’d be a <em>perfect</em> match for Rhodes.<br>
Your stats make it a match or even safety.
It’s in an urban area, Memphis, TN.
It’s not too small, about 1700 students.
Some majors that are strong that you seemed to express some interest in: Psychology, Neuroscience, Biology, Economics, Math, Studio Art. (I think a LAC is probably a better place that a Uni for someone with wide interests such as yours).
We have strong pre-med advising and very very good placement into med schools.
Absolutely stunning campus.
Great social life (so the current students tell me; I enjoyed it when I was a student).</p>
<p>The University of Chicago is not by any stretch of the imagination a small LAC. Having said that, there is no reason why you can’t get what you want at a top LAC. What you describe is very standard at good LACs. Tons of students at places like Williams, Bowdoin, Amherst, Wellesley, and Pomona major in psych or bio or econ and tons of students are pre-med (and they have excellent acceptance rates to med school).</p>
<p>BU is not “outside” Boston, it is IN Boston. Maybe the poster is thinking of BC.</p>
<p>If you are looking for schools to cut…</p>
<p>Berkeley–I would not apply to Berkeley as an OOS student these days unless you have a desire to study one of the more esoteric things they offer: it is no bargain if you are OOS and the CA system is being hit hard by state economics. It may well get worse.
JHU–good school, but the premed program has the reputation of being VERY cut throat.
Carnegie Mellon–doesn’t leap out as a fit.
NYU–over priced and with your interests why bother unless you have a burning desire to live in NYC? It’s not as if you want the Tisch School. </p>
<p>Rochester and Pitt are good safeties for you.</p>
<p>Thanks guys, you’re amazing! I don’t think I’m even half the nerd enough for Caltech though, haha. I’ll keep Pitt and Rochester, maybe add BU? I’ve already applied to Rutgers… Do I need more than three safeties?</p>
<p>What do you guys think would be matches for me? I’m trying to bank on Northwestern, but my list looks too Ivy-Stanford-Duke heavy right now. Rice and Vanderbilt are still reachy. I think I might apply to a couple LACs.</p>
<p>I really do hope I’ll get saved out of this work! Stanford’s app is particularly onerous… 3 extra essays, a dozen short answer, special mailing labels AND I have to turn it in a month early! ugh.</p>
<p>Suggest looking at the students review and princetonreview.com sites as well as the collegeboard.com site for ideas on good colleges given your statistics and likes and dislikes.</p>
<p>You don’t need more than three safeties if you can afford the ones on your list (and it seems you should be able to). With your stats you should also be competitive for some merit aid.</p>