<p>i am in final year chemical engineering(international student). Academic percentage aaround 89. Wrote Gre Twice.First time got 1210(800 in quants) and second time 1350(790 quants). yet to write toefl..expecting more than 100. I have shortlisted these universities..please suggest some universities for MS in chemical engineering. A</p>
<p>Univ of texas austin'
UNiv of wisconsin Madison
UNiv of Houston Houston
Texas A&M college station
Iowa state univ
Purdue univ
UNiv of michigan ann arbor
Univ of california davis
Univ of california LA
Univ of california Santa barbara
UNiv of michigan amherst
Univ of illinois urbana champaigne
north carolina state univ
Lamar univ</p>
<p>Also suggest some safe universities(sure admit for my profile)</p>