Suggested Schools???

<p>Just wondering about what schools I should be looking into. I want to stay in the Northeast with a med./large school (ie. no liberal-artsy). I'm looking to major in pre-med related sciences and minor in Latin American studies. I especially am interested in schools which have "alternative" majors for pre-med other than the straight "BIO major".</p>

<p>I'm currently a Junior and as far as stats go....
- 4.02 GPA W (.4 for APs, no weighting for Honors)
- Cum Laude Society (Top 10 % - School does not rank)
- Competitive public school; 360 in grade
- Most Rigorous Course Load possible
- 720 Bio SAT II (Freshman year, retaking this May)
- 710 Math IIC
- Varsity Captain Lacrosse and Field Hockey, Peer Leadership, Newspaper Editor, Juggling Club, Community Service Club President
-Aiming for a 2250 combined SAT (equivalent to a 1500)</p>

<p>Any ideas? Safety, Fit, Reach etc.
Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>First, you do realize that you can major in anything you want and go to med school, right? But you do still have to take certain science classes. So technically, any school in the U.S. offers "alternative" majors for pre-med students. </p>

<p>Some suggestions to start with: Tufts, Johns Hopkins, Brandeis, Cornell, Boston U. and, of course, you can try some of the other more competitive ivies as well.</p>

<p>Carolyn is right, bio is NOT te 'pre-med' major. Pre-meds major in anything and everything.</p>

<p>Brown, Harvard, Penn (I think best for you), Columbia, Cornell, UVA, Michigan, Duke, Georgetown.</p>

<p>Thanks...just to clarify, I am aware of that but I still want to major in the general science realm ie. Biology and Society.</p>

<p>Look closely at Johns Hopkins and Boston University, . Also look at Columbia, SUNY-Binghamton, and Cornell.</p>