I was just wondering if maybe others thought this would be a good feature to add. I have seen, and Im sure Im not the only one, certain questions being asked over and over again. Sometimes people make a thread to address these common questions in detail, which should be pinned IMHO, but they often don’t become pinned. These duplicate questions are especially prominent in college admissions, high school life, and the sat and ap forums.
You could always just PM a mod and ask…
We actually once had a Recommended Threads feature (to help us identify threads for pinning and/or featuring), but it was often populated with discussions started by the recommenders, instead of threads that had broad interest or usefulness. On occasion I will get a PM (as @romanigypsyeyes alludes to) recommending a certain thread be pinned or featured, and it typically comes from long-time members who are prominent in that specific forum. This is often not an issue on smaller forums, since those will often have ancient threads in the featured section and may have no pinned threads. When we are looking at the more popular forums, however, we need to ensure we don’t stuff them with pinned threads, since new discussions will be pushed down the page.
I would just take the PM route for now. If you see some threads you feel should be featured or pinned let us know and we can certainly take a look. Thank you for your commitment to our community!