Suggestion requested for college selection [$30k price limit with federal direct loan and part time work]

Need an advice on college selection…Got acceptances from the below for Major: Computer Engineering. Heart is at RIT but not sure if that COA (with loans) makes sense.
RIT: COA-$45K (after Merit+Fin Aid). But COA may go up in subsequent years as the tuition and boarding will go up and Fin Aid component is dependent on FAFSA.
SUNY Buffalo: COA-$32600 (after merit of $15K/yr and estimated OOS COA of $47600)
UMass Lowell (in-state): No merit; no aid. Estimated COA-$33K
Drexel: Not interested as COA is ridiculously high, even after merit and aid.
Iowa State: Estimated COA-$31K (after 9K/yr of merit)
Univ of Dayton: COA-$41K (after a merit of 23500/yr). Fin aid letter is yet to come.
Wentworth: COA-$36000
UMaine: COA-$26500 (after a merit of $20K/yr and estimated OOS COA of $46500).
Not interested in Bama (merit of 8K/yr, Missouri S&T (merit of $11K/yr) and Miami of OH (merit of $5K/yr). First two are quite far away and Miami is more known for Business rather than Engineering and OOS will be too high with just 5K merit.

Thanks in advance!

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What price can you afford without loans?

With part-time job and Federal loan, until $30K is fine. Beyond it will be more loan via private banks/FIs.

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If $30k is the limit with federal direct loan and part time work, it looks like Maine at $26.5k is your only affordable choice.

Additional loans require a cosigner or are parent loans.


Read the fine print on the requirements to keep merit scholarships.

Maybe a little late but what is your in-state option(s)?

Agree with @ucbalumnus about Maine.

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In-state is the UMass Lowell. WL at UMass Amherst.

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If eventually rejected at UMass Amherst is there a pathway to eventually gain admission?

Don’t know much about UMass Lowell but being near Boston for internships would be nice.

Little side note. My son did a remote internship for a small startup trying to go public. It was run by some current UMass Lowell students. Good experience.


Thanks! Yes, additional loans will be needed. But are any of the colleges in the above list are worth taking those additional loans? Particularly with co-op at RIT, is that worth to take huge loans or a degree from SUNY Buffalo or UMass Lowell can also land one at a good job? I don’t have doubts on the educational quality amongst these 3 but co-op may give a real industry experience before graduating out of college.

University of Maine has a co-op program.


For CS you can go anywhere and do well. Talent, grades and internships are more important.

No debt allows freedom and flexibility.


You asked for a school at $30K and only listed one - UMaine.

You say Bama and Missouri Science and Tech are too far - but then list Iowa State, etc. - fine school btw.

I don’t think you have a bad choice except none meet your budget.

Have you looked at a school like Western Carolina ($5K a year tuition OOS) or Southern llinois (at least last year had no OOS tuition)? You might also look at UAH - a well respected school 2 hours closer than Bama, will be cheaper for you and might make budget. It’s heavily engineering focused. I assume at $5K Bama you went TO or don’t have a high test score?

Which do you like best?

Seems to me, based on your criteria, only Maine works.

Best of luck.

UAH - Admission & Aid - Freshman Out-of-State Academic Scholarships

Western Carolina University - NC Promise: Use Your Advantage (


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With these numbers, it looks like we have a winner in the U. of Maine!

Congratulations on an acceptance that can provide you with a good education and will not require you to max out on your loans! With relevant experience, and @ucbalumnus shared the link on co-ops at U. of Maine, you can launch from anywhere with a CS degree. Additionally, experience can also be garnered through summer jobs, it doesn’t have to be via a co-op.

I would start delving into U. of Maine’s website, opening up all of its emails (as they frequently provide info on opportunities that may have sign-up deadlines), and looking forward to having a terrific experience!


Go for the cheapest choice. With CS you can get jobs almost anywhere, they don’t care where you went to school.

Look into whether there is a transfer agreement from a nearby community college that would allow you to transfer to UMass Amherst in Comp Sci or Comp Eng.

You may have to call the Comp Sci or Comp Eng dep’t at UMass Amherst to find out whether such a pathway exists. If it does, and if you can commute to such, then your cheapest option is getting your Associate’s at community college while living at home, and holding a part time job, then transfer to UMass Amherst for your last two years. You’d have your degree from one of the best public Comp Sci programs in the country, and come out with minimal debt.

Otherwise, I agree, it’s U Maine, hands down, as being your most affordable option. However, it is unrealistic to think that you can earn 20K/yr in order to pay for U Maine, only taking out the direct fed loan. It’s tough to find decent paying part time work near a major U campus in a small town area (Orono) - you’re in competition with many other U students seeking the same. And working may not leave you enough time for studying/projects/assignments. It seems realistic to me that you MIGHT be able to earn 10K over the summer and winter break working many, many hours (prob a full time and a part time) for the entire summer. That, plus the direct loan, still leaves you with over a 10K gap, and as I said, I think you’d have a pretty tough time working a job that earns you $1000/month during the school year.

If you go the community college and transfer route (assuming it exists), you could probably swing the whole degree coming out with only the fed direct loan debt, assuming no fin aid or merit money, and assuming working full time summers and winter break, plus a little bit of part time work during community college.

If you DO get into UMass Amherst off the wait list, that’s gonna be a tougher decision, since there probably is value, overall, to starting right off the bat at UMass Amherst - highly ranked dep’t, plus the social benefits of living on campus with other high achieving students. Then you’ll have to decide whether that is worth borrowing another 50K, approximately, to cover the higher tuition and the cost of living on campus for those first two years (about 33K/yr at UMass Amherst, vs 7K/yr tuition only at a nearby community colleges). And of course there’s the fact that UMass Amherst will probably also cost you about 15K more than U Maine would have, for those last two years.

If it were me, and if the transfer option from community college to UMass Amherst exists, I’d zoom through community college living at home, starting this summer, and go straight through, taking the max academic load I could handle, and be applying to transfer to UMass Amherst for entry fall '24 with junior standing, having done 4 semesters at the community college from June '23 through August '24, or do it at a more leisurely pace, going year round for two years while working a part time job. You can apply for a direct loan for the '22-'23 year to cover your summer semester tuition for summer of '23, as long as you apply in June '23. Assuming you take a full load, you might qualify for the full $5500 for '22-'23, assuming that they include your living expenses.

Here you can get the list of all Massachusetts community college programs that will transfer to UMass Amherst through the Mass Transfer A2B program. On the linked page do not choose a community college, choose UMass Amherst as the university you want to transfer into, and choose computer science as your major. It will then give you a list of all the community college degrees that you can use to transfer into UMass Amherst computer science program.

The thing that I am not 100% sure about is if you are guaranteed a spot at UMass Amherst computer science program if you meet the community college GPA and class requirements, or if you are only guaranteed a spot at SOME four-year Massachusetts university.

But it is a nice program, because there are some additional financial benefits for using it rather than going directly into a four-year program. And, if you can live at home for the two years you were in community college it will save you a lot of money. For both UMass Lowell and UMass Amherst half of the total cost of attendance is room and board.


Well, I didn’t ask for 30K school. The subject line was changed by someone else (which is really weird). My question was whether it makes sense to get under extra debt for schools like RIT etc.

IMHO - it depends - how much.

I’d say over the federal limit ($27K), no.

CS will have better outcomes - but not for everyone.

Is RIT worth $100K more. Or $50K more.

I’ll leave others to say - perhaps in a special program but in general, no.

But RIT will have successes and not successes - just like the rest.

Yes, I think everyone saw the $30k :slight_smile:

You should look at UAH. Iowa State is fine and is Miami. If Miami and RIT were the same price, I might go Miami even though you thought less of it.

So $45K vs. you have others at $35K.

You could stretch and probably be ok. But you would have loan risk - and it’s not just the loan but the interest.

I’d steer you away from RIT but if you 100% wanted it, I get it.

If you said something like game design or something specific, maybe the answer would be different.

I think you got an answer to that. Most people are saying, no, it doesn’t make sense to take on extra debt.

It’s not just a question of extra debt for you. Above the max that you are allowed to borrow, your parents would need to cosign a loan or take out a parent loan. Plus, your plan depends on part time work income, which carries its own uncertainties.

So the posters are making suggestions for you.


I would be super excited to go to UMaine at that price! Congrats!

Things have changed now and Iowa State has become the cheapest (received a package from them yesterday).