Suggestions on Math 2 subject test! (please?)

<p>Okay, I'am currently going over the subjects covered in the math 2 subject test. This year I am taking algebra 2/trigonometry honors and I am currently a junior. I am wondering if its okay for me to take the math test my senior year or would that be too late? Also, what speicific subjects are covered in math 2 that requires pre-cal?</p>

<p>Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>Senior year is fine as long is you take it by december or so if you want to get your score before college apps are due.</p>

<p>There are tons of subjects on Math II that require pre-calc. There’s a lot of trig, a lot about function knowledge, some probability stuff involving choose numbers, a question or two on polar coordinates, and more that I can’t think of. If you don’t have pre-calc completed before you take the test you probably won’t do too hot.</p>