<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I've been lurking here for some and need some help.I'm looking to transfer for fall '10 and need some help on finding some colleges.</p>
<p>College GPA- Hopefully around 3.0 after this semester
Entering as- Junior
Major- Bio/ Biochem
Area- Northeast/ MidAtlantic (I like the cold)
Size- From 6,000 to around 15,000 (Midsize)
D1 Football or basketball?</p>
<p>I've already transferred once, so I know pretty much what I want, I just seem to have some trouble finding it. Can anyone help me out?</p>
<p>I would suggest SUNY New Paltz. It meets all your criteria except for the D1 sports. Since you’ve already transferred once what is it that didn’t work for you at the other schools and what type of school environment are you looking for?</p>
<p>I was at a small LAC before transferring (~2000) where there was not much to do. I transferred to my hometown, and I don’t want to stay here any longer, I need something different. I would enjoy a laid-back but still ambitious student body. I also enjoy snowboarding.</p>
<p>SUNY New Paltz has a student body of about 6,000 undergrads and I think its 8,000 including graduate degree students. The student body is much more ambitious than it used to be. Incoming freshman need a high gpa to get in. Honestly with a 3.0 gpa you might not get in cause 3.0 is the minimum they will accept in transfers, but it’s worth a shot. They have a good biology dept. The laid back thing works and snowboarding as well. Maybe University of Colorado, UMass, Syracuse, or some of the other SUNY’s are worth a look too.</p>
<p>University of Scranton is a good LAC with about 5000 students and a great place to snowboard :D</p>
<p>Have to agree with jcmc2112. Scranton may fit the bill for you except for D1 sports. They are D3 but no football. But both their men’s and women’s basketball teams are very competitive with both winning their conference championships last season and the women getting to the elite 8 of the NCAA Div. 3 championships. And Sno Mountain ski area is about a 10 minute drive.</p>
<p>Their biology and biochem departments are excellent. The students are quite ambitious with many aiming for med. school. However, they like to have fun, too.</p>
<p>Ithaca has D3 bball and football. I would think there is snowboarding.</p>
<p>Rider Univ. has D1 bball, but not football. Not sure about snowboarding in that area.</p>
<p>Monmouth Univ. has D1 bball and football, but since it is located near the shore, I doubt there is much snowboarding. They also only offer biology and not biochem. </p>
<p>You would have to check to see if your GPA was sufficient to transfer to these schools. Also, these 4 are private schools. Is financial aid an issue?</p>
<p>I’m flexible on certain things (would like the sports, but not completely needed as long as there are other things to do). I could also go to 20-25 thousand in size of student body. Financial aid is sort of an issue, would love to have it. I’m a NY native if that helps. Thanks for the suggestions so far! I’ve looked into Scranton briefly and will go on a more in depth search.</p>
<p>Scranton is very generous with financial aid. The scholarships they offered me alone payed for full tuition and living expenses. If you are really interested and have any questions about it just ask away :D</p>
<p>One other possibility would be Siena just outside of Albany. They have D1 bball that has gone to the NCAA tournament the last couple of years. In 2009 they won the MAAC championship giving them a berth in the tournament. There they beat Ohio State before losing by 5 points to Louisville. They were a fun team to watch.</p>
<p>Siena offers biology and biochem and has an affiliation with Albany medical school. Their enrollment is on the small side of what you were looking for at 3000, but it might be worth a look for you.</p>
<p>Thanks for Sienna, but going on the smaller side of a student body isn’t plausible,I simply cannot do well in that small of an environment. What about hockey schools? As long as there is a sport the school gets behind (Rah rah school spirit) I think it would be a good thing. Can anyone offer any more schools?</p>
<p>University of Vermont. Bio and biochem. About 10,000. D1 hockey and bball (no football)</p>