summer activities

<p>On the Harvard commonapp supplement it asks for "summer activites". Does this mean activities done during all four summers, or just the most recent one?</p>



<p>And we can only pick three? What the eff…</p>

<p>I did all 4… :&lt;/p>

<p>I think it means activites done all four summers.
Like Volunteering, Summer courses and Enrichment activites.</p>


<p>other opinions?</p>

<p>how do you just pick three specific things from FOUR YEARS worth of summers?
and what if the activity doesn’t “fit” in their tiny little character box?</p>

<p>ya im having the same problem… just doesnt fit so i made mine very ambiguous (visit to Europe)</p>

<p>Welcome to reality, they don’t really care what you did every minute of your summers. If it’s something extremely important, put it is one of your essays. If not, it doesn’t really need more then a line.</p>