Summer = apply for fall diversity fly in programs

Many of the diversity fly in programs have summer deadlines to apply for visiting. For example, Smith’s application closes in June :frowning: Harvey Mudd’s program has an August deadline.

Here is a resource for many of the programs offered. I will spend some time this week checking the links and adding in any colleges that I have saved that aren’t on the list. For example, I know Scripps has a program but I cannot yet find the webpage for it and the link for it in the article doesn’t work.

The sub forum for African American students has a thread going about this as well.

@massmom20My friend’s daughter did one. On paper the college looked great but she ended up really disliking it. So…useful but not in the way the college had hoped!

Anyone attend these? Feedback?

^ My older daughter participated in a number of such programs a couple of years ago. She approached them like dry runs for the actual applications and made friends with a number of kids she kept bumping into. The hosts shared a number of anecdotes about which schools had better financial aid (or offices that were easier to work with). They helped to solidify her final list. Many of the programs overlap in dates, and schools were quite accommodating about splitting costs with other programs (MoHo and Wesleyan, for one). I think that was D1’s favorite weekend.

One downside was that her HS teachers weren’t so happy about so many missed classes and she had to make up tons of work when she got back. But she has no regrets. Being invited to travel to such diverse cities and schools made her feel grown up and valued.

D2 just heard back from MoHo’s Focus on Diversity and we are beyond thrilled.

Does anyone know any for juniors

@anonymous522083 They are really geared towards students who are ready to write applications, not just kicking the tires.

Several have application dates (for the flyin) in the summer. It is best to create a list with dates so that they don’t slip past you.