Summer Assignments?

<p>I just got my freshman schedule and was wondering how to know if any of my classes will have summer assignments/reading that need to be completed before the first day of classes. Thanks!</p>


<p>Lol not high school anymore…</p>

<p>I actually heard that some teacher have assignments due the first day of class, I think it says that somewhere in the student handbook.</p>

<p>I’ve actually been in 2 classes (one traditional lecture, one online class) that had an assignment due the first day, but since there are always students who can add/drop during that week, it wasn’t an extremely strict deadline. Basically once the class is up on Scholar and the professor puts up the syllabus and stuff, you’ll know if you have things due. Both classes I was in also sent out emails and things ahead of time, in addition to having it up on Scholar, so that students knew that there was an assignment or something to do.</p>

<p>On another note, if you don’t do it when it’s due the first day or add late, it can suck playing catch up and having work piled on you early in the semester.</p>

<p>Professors usually start working on their Scholar page several weeks before classes start. If there is anything you need to have done, your professor will specify that with an announcement a week or so before class. Don’t worry about it. Enjoy the rest of your summer.</p>