<p>We read the Odyssey as 9th graders too, actually... I would much rather read that than read The Grapes of Wrath, though... either way, it's summer, we have time, and we should all be getting excited about our fabulous boarding school futures. :)</p>
<p>i thought grapes of wrath was amazing.. maybe because I had a psycho teacher that made us read 70+ pages a night :l, but it kept me interested.
but the ending was a little awkward to me</p>
<p>Any1 know the book "What is the What" ??</p>
<p>I agree, Audrey: I'd rather they save the shorter books for the school year and tell us to do the harder books in the summer because even though kids won't like tearing themselves away from summer activities, it's better to do it then than in the middle of boarding school life with tons of other work to deal with! :)</p>
<p>But I definitely like Choate's assignments better than my current (older) school: Last year we had to read All Quiet on the Western Front and I didn't like it much. It was a good book, but I hate reading about war.</p>
<p>Funny, I picked up The Grapes of Wrath and The Odyssey from book piles at my brother's BS graduation. Plenty to read, none to write =)</p>
<p>My D's read The Odyssey in the 7th and 8th grade. They also read Gilgamesh in the 7th or 8th grades.</p>