<p>Does anybody know of any cancer research programs for teens to get involved in? I've read in several CC threads of high schoolers doing cancer research over the summer. I'd love to do this, and I was just wondering if anybody could let me know of any programs.</p>
<p>I know IU-Bloomington has one</p>
<p>Thanks tonytet! I just checked out the site for that program, and it is definitely something I’d be willing to look into! Do you know if only Indiana residents can participate? I don’t live in Indiana, but I do live in the Midwest, if that would make any difference. Also, what would be the cost?</p>
<p>here’s the link: [IU</a> Simon Cancer Center - Professional Education - Training](<a href=“http://cancer.iu.edu/education/training/srp/index.php]IU”>http://cancer.iu.edu/education/training/srp/index.php)</p>
<p>National Institutes of Health
Drexel University Medical Research
Google these with like high school next to it and you should find something.
Neither of these places provide housing but I know NIH will provide you a list of people in the area who will be willing to let you stay with them.</p>
<p>[NIH</a> Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research](<a href=“http://www.training.nih.gov/student/sip/]NIH”>http://www.training.nih.gov/student/sip/)</p>
<p>Thanks so much, guys! All of this information has been extremely helpful and is exactly what I was looking for.</p>
<p>Roswell Park Cancer Research Institute in Buffalo, NY has one and it is very highly respected. It is for locals as well as a residential program for those from out of town.</p>
<p>Yale has a pretty good one, though its only for CT juniors.</p>