Okay so i’m a MYP IB sophomore, and planning to take IB diploma next year. The problem is, i’m missing a lot of credits to do so. I made bad choices in middle school and wasn’t serious about grades until I entered high school, and then a lot of my friends were in IB and so I decided to try it out, because why not. Well, recently i’ve gotten even more serious about school and the IB Diploma and went to go talk to my counselors about what classes i’ll be taking. Turns out, i’m missing a lot of credits which will be very hard for me to be able to make up, and even if I do make them up I might not get the classes I want.
Here are my current classes:
MYP Drama
MYP U.S History
MYP Japanese 1
MYP Biology

Most of my friends are way ahead of me in terms of classes… I need to be in Algebra 2 and Chemistry right now, as well as Japanese 2. I talked to my Japanese teacher and she said she is fine with me skipping it as long as I pass the test, which i’m studying VERY hard for currently. The problem is Geometry and Biology. I can just take Algebra 2 over the summer, but then I will have to talk Chemistry next year and then IB Chemistry SL the year after, which is not what I want!!! I want to take Environmental Systems which is SL as well but it’s a two year course instead of one at my school. So I can just take Chemistry and Algebra 2 over the summer- but my counselor said Algebra 2 over the summer is something she doesn’t recommend because it will be difficult, but i’m doing it anyways.
BUT!!! I’m also missing a World History class and a P.E Class. For p.e, i’ll just make it up next summer no big deal and same with world history.
So my question, what should I do? Is IB Diploma worth all the trouble im going through? I really want to do it but I hate the fact that because I made bad choices as a middle schooler I have to face the consequences now.
Should I take Algebra two and Chemistry over the summer???