<p>any suggestions for good gen ed courses to take this summer and which professors you would recommend?</p>
<p>I know one class my s wants to take is ENC1101 (freshman comp).</p>
<p>any suggestions for good gen ed courses to take this summer and which professors you would recommend?</p>
<p>I know one class my s wants to take is ENC1101 (freshman comp).</p>
<p>english during the summer kinda sucks because of the madatory attendance policy and because it feels like your writing a paper a week, i would rather of taken during the fall. its easier.</p>
<p>I would reccomend, computer lit, cgs2060, or if a business major comp apps for business majors cgs2100.</p>
<p>Race and Ethnicity-amh2020 it satisfies a bunch of requirements and is quite simple.</p>
<p>Multicultural Films hum3320-agains satifies alot of requirements and you get to watch movies.</p>
<p>Social Problems- just a cool class to take.</p>
<p>general psychology- a popular class during summer term</p>
<p>thanks fsu-uf</p>
<p>i will pass along to my s and let him review the course descriptions. what do you consider to be a good rating with ratemyprofessor.com?</p>
<p>it seems like over a 4.0 is good. it also depends on the number of reviews. do you find this service to be accurate most of the time?</p>
<p>Im more of the type of person who reads the comments, I avoid teachers who I see have been left atleast two or three bad comments to, because there usually describing a trend, the numerical score doesn't really matter if they have negative reviews, and as I've said before if I feel unsure about a professor I wont take the chance, also the drop/add period is great because I feel that how the teacher handles the first two classes is very indicative as to how she/he will be the rest of the semester, I've dropped a few very liked professors because I didn't like what they said in our first class meeting.</p>
<p>great. thanks. my s is waiting for the summer/fall course listings to be available on the web site and will then start the process of using ratemy professor with courses he is interested in.</p>
<p>I really appreciate FSU-UF's perspective and information -- thanks!</p>
<p>thanks cybermom, and nycollegedad, when the course listing comes out it will probably have alot of classes listed under staff making it difficult to make a choice, and I hope your son choose an early orientation date because summer classes fill up fast.athough in the end you still have drop add</p>