Summer Courses - is three too much?

I am going to be a freshman for the 2020-2021 school year, with a major in Music Education. Since it’s a performing arts major, I’ve heard that you should be working on the major starting your first year. The option to take classes over summer have come up, and I’ve decided to take classes in the Gen Ed clusters I do not have credit in yet. These include:

-Music in General Culture
-General Psychology

Are taking these three courses over a 6-week period during the summer too much of a workload? Personally, I don’t have too much of a good work ethic, but I do maintain good grades. I don’t want to be doing only school work, but I do want to get Gen Ed’s out of the way. For anyone who has had similar courses, would you consider them to be work heavy and rigorous? Or easy to handle?