<p>Hey everyone!
I am a rising sophomore and was thinking about some things I could possibly do the summer before my junior year starts. I'm planning to major in criminal justice. What should I do? I'm willing to do anything that will look good on college apps.</p>
<p>There is much you can do next summer … here are some ideas (just brainstorming for you):</p>
<li>Join the local PD or FBI high school volunteer programs</li>
<li>Contact your local college/university and speak to their CJ Director to see if you can do some research or something</li>
<li>Take a CJ enrichment program at a university next summer … there are lots of good ones that will confirm your interest in CJ. My daughter has taken both a CJ and Forensic enrichment program and she loved them and they confirmed she wanted to be in CJ.</li>
<li>Either volunteer to paint graffiti OR start a club, raise your own funds and paint graffiti with the ASSISTANCE of your local PD. </li>
<li>Raise funds to assist the children of LE officers killed in the line of duty</li>
<li>Get a job (not sexy but solid thought)</li>
<p>Anyway, the point is that your summers should be productive and it’s a great that you are thinking about it now. There are many things you can do, especially if you get creative. </p>
<p>Good luck!!</p>