<p>I am a high school senior. Planning on attending Blinn College and transfering to A&M.</p>
<p>My plan is to attend both summer I and II for 12 hour, How difficult is it going to be to get 12 hours this summer at Blinn and maintain at least a 3.0?</p>
<p>Also I'm a little nervous about coming in the summer, not knowing anyone. Planning on living at either Traditions or Callaway House. What's it like in College station in the summer? Are the private dorms going to be fairly empty in the summer? </p>
<p>I don't know I am going on the TAPS program so I would need to get 24 hours to transfer by spring. I am also wanting to go into the Corp so if I go in the summer I can get in by spring.</p>
<p>Might be more helpful to post this in the Texas A&M forum, but as I go to A&M I’ll help ya out.</p>
<p>IMHO Summer classes at A&M are much easier than during the fall/spring. I took classes last summer, and got a 3.75 for the summer. My gf also took classes last summer, and got a 4.0. Now while we both took them at A&M, and not Blinn, it should only be easier at Blinn.</p>
<p>Summer in College Station is very different than the fall/spring. Campus is pretty vacated, and student living is as well. There won’t be many people around, traffic will be minimal, and the bars won’t be packed. Now there still are many people here, but not 50k like in the summer/fall. As long as you are sociable and friendly, you shouldn’t have any problem making friends.</p>