Summer Jobs. How do they look

<p>I will work part time at either the movie theatre or a family member's Dunkin Donut.</p>

<p>I will also tutor grade school students in various subjects at no cost.
How does the movie theatre job look when colleges look athe application. Is it worth it?</p>

<p>How much are you getting paid?</p>

<p>It definitely is worth it, I would work at movie theatre if I had the chance.</p>

<p>Do you like working there? If so, do it. If not-don't.</p>

<p>I think it's worth working, but i think something like the tutoring looks just as good as the movie theatre, so i'd definitely suggest both</p>

<p>It's better than not having anything there, cause they'll think you're lazy.</p>

<p>getting a job is good because it shows that you are responsible and not dependent on your parents</p>